Rtd Probes
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RTD Probes are well known in the nuclear industry for inspection of critical weld areas in pipes and pressure vessels. The realm of applications for these transducers is extensive: inspection of coarse grain austenitic steel, location of under cladding cracks, detection and sizing of IGSCC (Intergranular Stress-Corrosion Cracking), automated scanning of pipe and pressure vessels, and continuous high temperature applications.
RTD Sensor
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Best Deals from RTD Sensors
rtd temperature sensors
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RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors) - are temperature sensors that has a resistor inside that changes resistance value as its surrounding temperature changes. Radix manufactured RTDs includes sensor ranging from PT100 to PT1000 for years has developed a reputation for stability, repeatability and accuracy while being used in various industrial processes,labs. Radix RTD elements mostly consist of a length of fine coiled wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core. The element is mostly some what fragile, so it is often placed inside a sheathed probe for its own protection. The RTD element is made from a very pure material whose resistance at various temperatures has been known or documented. The material has this predictable change, in resistance which is proportional to the change in temperature; it is this predictable change that is used to determine temperature. Radix RTD sensors are generally chosen over our thermocouples in applications which require a higher accuracy and higher repeatability of temperature measurements. Due to their design, our RTDs are also easier to install and calibrat
Resistance Temperature Detector
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Flexible RTD Sensors
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Flexible RTD Sensors, Thermocouple Protection Tubes, PT-PTRH wire
RTD Sensors
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RTD Sensors
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Pressure Gauges, rtd cable, rtd sensor calibration service, RTD Calibrator
RTD Temperature Probes
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RTD Temperature Probes, Temperature Transducer, ISLAND KITCHEN