Salacia Reticulata Extract Powder
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Salacia Reticulata Oblonga Extract
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Description : Salacia reticulata is a climbing, perennial, woody shrub widely distributed in Sri Lanka, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Salacia has been used in the Ayurvedic alternative medical practice to support relief from the symptoms of Joint pains such as rheumatism and high blood sugar levels, for many years. Recently, Salacia was reported it may be a potential solution for overall fatness & its ill effects.Salacia Reticulata appears to have the ability to inhibit lipase enzymes and may reduce the rate of lipid absorption after a meal which promotes suppression of triglyceride levels. Scientific studies confirmed presence of Saponins in Salacia reticulate species which helps to promote blood cleansing and supports healthy skin, clearing the toxic wastes.In addition there was significantly lower levels of systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure values in the treated mice compared to control mice. Further, histological examination of liver revealed the treated mice to have reduced fatty degeneration of the hepatocytes, reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells and single cell necrosis
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Salacia Reticulata Extract
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