We are helping to protect the environment, animals and people by managing used oil collection and recycling cooking oil so that it can be used again. For example, UCO in the sewage system causes major problems. The coatings can cause hydrogen sulphide (H2S), and give a bad smell. H2S is also a toxic gas and flammable at high concentrations. In many cities it is mandatory to have an agreement for collection of UCO. Many people think of used cooking oil as waste, but MBP considers it a by-product and a material that we can use again. We see UCO as a resource because we can reuse it through cooking oil collection and reuse. Cooking oil recycling means that UCO can be used instead of new vegetable oils, such as rapeseed oil, in the production of biodiesel. Today, many people consider it a problem that rapeseed oil is used in biodiesel production instead of food production, and that the rainforest is destroyed for the production of palm oil. If we manage cooking oil collection and utilize the waste oil again for biodiesel production, it is better for both humans and the environment. This is because a second generation vegetable oil that does not compete with food production in the world or contribute to the destruction of the rainforest.