Success Educations Taloja, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • distance education service

    distance education service

    20,000 - 500,000 Per Year

    We help students, working professionals and individuals to persue their schooling, graduation and degrees from Government Universities as well as from private boards & universities. Learning Modes we offer: 📚Integrated Learning 📚Open Schooling 📚Distance Learning Our programs offer thorough educational experiences that help students acquire and improve skill sets that they can use in a variety of career profiles. ✅ SSC, HSC, BA, BSC, BCOM ✅ ITI Courses, Diploma, Degree ✅ Engineering & Medical Courses ✅ Instalments & Finance available

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Contact Information

Success Educations

  • Rahul More
  • Office No. 2,3,4 Shankeshwar Shraddha, Plot no.4 , Near Sector 9, CIDCO Garden ,Behind Pinewood Tower, Taloja Phase 1, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra