Waste Heat Boilers Dealers in Navi Mumbai

(2 products available)
  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

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    The standard refuse (or waste) recovery boiler incinerates solid or liquid waste products. This boiler type is not to be mixed with the recovery boilers used in pulp and paper industry. Therefore, we willalways refer to refuse boilers when talking about waste and recovery boilers when we mean the specific chemical recovery process used in the pulp and paper industry. The combustion of waste differs radically compared to other fuels mostly due to the varying properties of waste. Also, the goal when combusting waste is not to produce energy, but to reducethe volume and weight of the waste and to make it more inert before dumping it on a refuse tip.Details : Waste is burned in many ways, but the main method is to combust it in a grate boiler with a mechanical grate Other ways to burn waste is to use a fixed grate furnace, a fluidized bed for sludge or rotary kilns for chemical and problematic waste. Waste is usually mass burned, i.e. it is burned in the shape it was delivered with minimal preparation and separation. The main preparation processes are grinding and crushing of the waste and removal of large objects (like refrigerators).  Waste has to be thoroughly combusted, so that harmful and toxic components are degraded and dissolved.

  • Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

    Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

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    Waste Heat Recovery Boiler is thermostatically balanced and is used in varied industrial segments. It caters diverse requirements for heating applications. We have emerged as a trusted Manufacturer and Supplier of Waste Heat Recovery Boiler from Maharashtra, India. The Waste Heat Recovery Boiler that we offer is abrasion resistant in nature and is delivered as per the requirements of the customers. Our Waste Heat Recovery Boiler is highly efficient and is known for its low maintenance cost.

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