Galvanic Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sector 10, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

  • Car Security System

    Car Security System

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    Microcontroller Based intelligent system  Code Hopping technology  Remote Locking and Arming  Remote Unlock and Disarm  Visual Indication  Audible Indication  Timer Locking and Rearming  Auto Arming  Silent Arming Disarming  Arming Inhibition during Ignition ON  Arm Condition Memory  Ignition Protection  Door Bonnet Boot Open Alarm  Door Bonnet Boot Open Signal at Arming  Car Finder Panic Siren  Manual Central Door Locking Unlocking  Automatic Locking Unlocking

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  • Amf Controller

    Amf Controller

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    This project was to develop to control 3-Phase Mains Supply and 3-Phase Diesel Generator supply. This system is used in telecommunication towers. When mains supply is found faulty then this system will start the Diesel Generator automatically and switch the load on Diesel Generator and when mains supply is healthy then shift the load on mains power and stop then Diesel Generator. This system calculate Load current, R,Y,B voltages, Power factor Total energy, Aperant power and Reactive power. If any fault found in the Diesel Generator process then message will send on preferred mobile number via GSM Modem

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Contact Information

Galvanic Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

  • Mr. Amit Chaudhary
  • D-116, Sector-10, Sector 10, Noida, Uttar Pradesh