Social Media Marketing Services
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Tittle IT Solutions helps you in having social brand pages on different social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc…) . The aim is to make them a marketing arsenal and then making that to be one of your site’s biggest sources of branding signals. is the activities that take place within those platforms.
Fluidised Media Bioaugmented service
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basic principle the bioreactor works on the principle of attached growth. the bioreactor tank consist of fluidised media. Media is in suspension- specific gravity media fluidization- by virtue of hydraulic currents set by aeration. specifically developed microbial culture is used for the development of biomass required for oxidation of organic load. the micro organism attach themselves to the fluidised media and grows upon it. by use of the media and due to high population of micro organisms it takes little time to degrade the waste. our range of product include submersible jet aerators, clarification system, filtration units, u-v systems, flash mixers and flocculators, dosing tanks and pumps, filter press, fluidised media, etc fmbbr sewage treatment system has the following basic advantagesover normal biological processes.1. Normal intrinsic bacteria from within the sludge and sewage is notadapted to shock loads, ph and temperature variations. Weprovide a special bacterial culture biorganic to tackle all sorts ofwastewater. This reduces sludge, consumption of power, due tolesser aeration needs and a more comprehensive treatment. Ourculture contains 56 strains of bacteria and fungi. Every milli litercontains a million colony forming units.2. The use of plastic media (fluidised) ensures active growth ofbacteria and higher biomass, resulting in lower retention period totreat the sewage. With proper growth there is no need for sludgerecycling as is normal.3. Installation of submersible jet aerator(s). This is an aeratorspecifically designed for wastewater treatment. It imparts a veryhigh oxygen transfer rate for every horse power it transfers 40 kgsper day. This is a highly energy and cost efficient system, made initaly austria and is of stainless steel with a sacrificial anode toprevent damage to the submerged system. The entire system isfloating and can be moved as required.4. The installation of an ultra violet dosing is the ultimate in tertiarytreatment. It removes all pathogens and most odour from thetreated water so that it can be put to several reuses, such asgardening, washing of paths and roads and even ground waterrecharging to replenish the water table.line of treatment:the sewage will come to the equalisation tank. Some solids will graduallysettle in the equalisation tank. The settled solid is periodically removedfrom the bottom and is taken to the slurry holding tank.the waste water then moves to the bioreactor tank where it is oxidized bybacteria in the bioreactor tank where continuous aeration and mixing iscarried out with the help of the jet aerator. The bacterium, providedattaches to the plastic media and grows upon it. The high populationserves to biodegrade the organic solids in the effluent.the sewage then passes through the tube settler. The sludge settles at thebottom of the settler and is removed while clear treated wastewatermoves out from the top. The settled sludge is taken to the slurry holdingtank.the treated water from the settler is then fed to the activated carbonfilter for final tertiary treatment. The activated carbon filter is periodicallybackwashed and the back wash is taken to the slurry holding tank.the waste within the slurry holding tank is filtered through the filter pressexcess supernatant liquid, within the slurry tank, is discharged back intothe equalisation tank for re treatment.special features of our system:use of engineered micro organisms for bioaugmentationuse of maintenance free aerators, which transfer nearly100% more oxygen to wastewater per motor h.p. (ascompared to other systems).
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Social Media Intelligence
5,999 - 7,899 Per ee
Social Media Intelligence, SEO, mobile seo services
Social Media Optimization
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Social Media Optimization ( SMO ) is the method of creating the awareness of a product, service or event through the various social media outlets and communities. It is marketing the brand, the products and services offered by an organization by means of social networking through social media sites such as facebook, twitter, linked in etc.
Social Media Marketing Services
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BrainPulse, an expert Social Media Marketing Services provider offers a wide range of SMM services and Online Content Distribution Network to develop a rewarding communication platform between sellers and consumers.
social media optimization service
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social media optimization service, Northwood P4 Micro Projector
social media post service
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social media post service, Graphic Design
Social Media Marketing Services
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Social Media Marketing Services, high quality content marketing services
media services
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media services
interactive media service
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interactive media service, crm service, e solution, ERP Service
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media, tv tuner, Cartridges, Desktop, Networking, network products
Social Media Marketing Service
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Website Development Services, Web & Internet Services
Social Media Advertising
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Social Media Advertising, digital marketing services, search engine marketing