Twist Tester Electronic For Double Yarn
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‘TEXTILE TECHNOCRATS’ Electronic Twist Tester has been designed specially to meet the growing demand of the textile industry for an accurate instrument to measure the twist (TPM or TPI) in the twisted yarn. ‘TEXTILE TECHNOCRATS’ Electronic Twist Tester is a motor driven semiautomatic instrument which gives digital displays of twist by un-twist method. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS 1. START/ STOP SWITCH FOR MOTOR. 2. S/Z SWITCH FOR SELECTION OF TYPE OF TWIST OF YARN. 3. NORMAL / REVERSE SWITCH FOR SELECTION OF NORMAL UNTWIST OR REVERSE OPERATION IN WHICH TWIST IMPARTED IN OTHER DIRECTION ARE REMOVED. 4. RESET SWITCH FOR COUNTER RESET. 5. ADJ / HIGH SWITCH FOR SELECTION OF MOTOR SPEED ADJUCTABLE OR HIGH 6. ADJ KNOB FOR ADJUSTMENT ORF MOTOR SPEED IN ADJ POSITION OF SWITCH. 7. DIGIT DIGITALDISPLAY Specification EQUIPMENT WEIGHT : APPROX. 2KG ELONGARTION RANGE : APPROX 15% IDENTIFICATION OF OTHER PARTS The instrument consists of following parts, which are required to be used during operation. 1. YARN CLAMPS- There are tow Nos. of clamps fixed at the two ends of instrument. One clamp is fixed on moving crosshead and other is fixed on the motor shaft. The yarn under test is held between these two yarn clamps. 2. MEASURING SCALE- This scale is fixed on the top of left side panel of the instrument. The scale is used to ensure 250 mm or 10 inch test length of yarn between the clamps. The scale also shows the extension in the yarn during untwisting under tensioning weight. 3. YARN TENSIONING WEIGHT- The weight is provided with a hook for attachment to the moving crosshead for putting yarn under test in tension.
Yarn Twist Testing Equipment
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Used for testing the twist nonhmogeneitiy, the twist unevenness, and the twist shrinkage of various yarns.
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yarn testing equipment, panel installation services