Pyrethrum 2% Extract
690 Per Litre
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
We are offering pyrethrum extract. Pyrethrum 2% extract is made from natural pyrethrum extract which is very effective against adult mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches action: public health insecticide shelf life: 2 years description: pyrethrum 2% extract is made from natural pyrethrum extract. This formulation is very effective against adult mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches etc. Packing: 5, 20 & 25 liters drum dosage: 1)for cockroaches control : pyrethrum 2% extract comes in concentrated form therefore it is recommended to dilute in kerosene in 1:10 ratio as direct spray 2)for mosquito (under public health) & flies control : to control of adult mosquitoes to prevent malaria and other insects like flies, bedbugs & silverfish use pyrethrum extract 2% in 1:19 ratio with petroleum solvent @ 5-10 literha 3)pyrethrum extract 2% can also be use for fogging purpose for mosquito control.