Water & Soil Analysis
1 Piece (MOQ)
Features pH, Conductivity, TDS, DO Salinity, mV & Temp. Measurements Turbidity Measurement (Model – 191) Both Turbidity & Colorimetric Measurement (Model – 172) Mains cum Battery Operated Available in ABS Plastic Briefcase
...moreWater Quality Analyzer Viscometer
1 Piece (MOQ)
Features Full color, touch screen display Accurate and reliable operation Direct readout of all measurement parameters ( Viscosity, Temperature, % Torque, Spindle/Speed) Auto Range Showing Time Function for measurement Sound alarm at under 20% Torque Linear calibration
...moreVibratory Sieve Shaker
1 Piece (MOQ)
Country of Origin : India
Type : Vibrating Shaker
Material : Stainless Steel
Application : Laboratory
Color : Silver
Finishing : Polished
Power Source : Electric
...moreTap Density Tester
1 Piece (MOQ)
Microprocessor Tap Density Tester, Model 1951 is a density measurement equipment used to measure tapped density of powders, as well as granulated or flaked materials by standardized and repeatable procedures. Instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. System is equipped with 4 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit and 16 number of soft touch membrane type keys. The unit is provided with two motorized platforms which allow for 14 ± 2.0 mm drop height for the USP Method I version, and a 3 ± 0.2 mm drop height for the USP Method II version. The motorized platforms consist of two cylinder holders with snap-lock mechanism designed to hold 100 ml and 250 ml cylinders. The simultaneous rotating and tapping motion minimizes any possible loss of mass during tapping down. The instrument stores the test parameters, readings and results simultaneously in the memory which are retained even after the power is switched OFF. Provision has also been made for attachment of a printer so as to provide hard-copy printouts of test data, including the time, date and calculated results. Features Complies with USP, IP specifications Extremely useful for pharmaceutical labs Microprocessor based, easy to use 20 x 4 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit 16 Soft touch membrane type keys Independent programmable setups for User & USP mode with storage Rs232 Printer attachment facility Automatically calculate result parameters like Tap Density, Initial Density, Compressibility Index and Hausner Ratio Automatically stores last Result Power Failure detection facility User friendly operation with menus & current status indicators.
...moreSieve Shaker
1 Piece (MOQ)
Country of Origin : India
Type : Electrical
Material : Steel
Application : Laboratory
Color : Silver
Condition : New
Automatic Grade : Automatic
...moreMicroprocessor Potentiometer
1 Piece (MOQ)
Microprocessor Potentiometer is a solid state instrument designed to provide the precise potentiometric measurements. The instrument uses the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. The system has user friendly prompts which guide you through out the measurement process. The system has 3 soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation. The instrument have built-in stirrer and internal standard facility. Features 3½ Digit LED Display Soft Touch Keys Built-in Stirrer Internal Standard Facility Burette Assembly Facility (Optional) Rugged & Economical Highly Stable & Accurate
...moreMicroprocessor Haemoglobin Meter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Microprocessor Haemoglobin Meter – 1315 is used to determine the haemoglobin concentration in the blood sample. The measurement haemoglobin concentration is carried out at wavelength of 546 nm. Using state-of-the-art LED technology the green light produced is projected through the sample and measured by sensitive photodiode. The measurements are made using cyanmethemoglobin method used through the world. Heamoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in the red blood cells. It enables the red cells, to carry oxygen from lungs to the rest of the body and carry carbon dioxide back. The haemoglobin level indicates the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity and can play a major role in the early diagnosis of many illnesses such as thelsemia, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, malaria and hook worm etc. Features Direct Display in Hb. units 1 ml Sample Volume Highly Stable & Easy To Operate Storage of Factor in Memory
...moreMicroprocessor Friability Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Microprocessor Friability Apparatus, Model 1902 measures the tendency of a tablet to chip or breakdown to pieces when held under mechanical stresses. Instrument uses the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. System is equipped with 4 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit and 16 number of soft touch membrane type keys. The friability tester can be operated using only one or two drums. The rotational speed of drums can be set at different speeds (20-60 RPM). The samples can be loaded conveniently without removing the drums and after the test completion the samples are automatically unloaded to the collection tray. To eliminate the manual input of weight of samples the facility of connecting a weighing scale is also available. When weighing scale is connected the weight of samples is automatically recorded to the instrument from the weighing balance. The test can be performed in two different modes Time or Count mode. The instrument stores the test parameters, readings and results simultaneously in the memory which are retained even after the power is switched OFF. Provision has also been made for attachment of a printer so as to provide hard-copy printouts of test data, including the time, date and calculated results. Features Complies with USP, IP specifications Microprocessor based, easy to use 20 x 4 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit 16 Soft touch membrane type keys Independent programmable setups for Time & Count mode with storage Password-protected user access Facility to attach with weighing balance Rs232 Printer attachment facility Automatically calculates percentage friability Loading and unloading of tablets without removing drums Power Failure detection facility User friendly operation with menus & current status indicators.
...moreMicroprocessor Colony Counter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Microprocessor Colony Counter is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate counting of bacterial & mould colonies in petri dishes. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. The system has 6 soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation. It has a ‘Reset’ key to reset the digital count. Any unwanted count can be removed by pressing the ‘Correct’ key. A built-in averaging facility allows the calculation of average colony counts using multiple dishes. It has the storage facility for 100 result-counts which are retained in the memory even when the instrument is switched off. A ‘Recall’ key is provided to retrieve the stored result colony counts from the instrument memory. Optimum viewing of colonies is aided by peripheral glare free illumination graticuled disc provided in the instrument. The magnifier magnifies the colony area. This is an indispensable tool for the microbiologist. Features Readout 0 – 999999 Count Correction Facility Average Mode Result-Count Storage Seven Segment LED Display Auto Marker Pen Audible Confirmation of Each Count Uniform Glare Free Illumination Wolffhugel Glass Grid with Focusing Facility LED Based Illumination
...moreDry Bath Incubator
1 Piece (MOQ)
Dry Bath Incubator is a microcontroller based instrument designed to control the heating of thermally conducting block. The block is fabricated to fit in 24 test tubes of 12mm dia. The test tubes contact the walls of the block to provide constant precise temperatures to the test tubes contents. The output of the heater is controlled by means of a precision temperature sensor and highly sensitive automatic electronic temperature controller. It is widely used in samples cultivation, preservation and reaction, DNA amplification, pre- degeneration of electrophoresis and solidification. It is used in the clinical, pharmaceutical, chemical, food safety, environment and quality inspection etc. Features 16×2 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit PID(Software Controlled) for temperature Block is fabricated to fit in 24 test tubes of 12mm dia. Supply of 230V, 50Hz, AC is available Dry Bath Incubator model 352 is a microcontroller based instrument designed to control the heating of thermally conducting block. The block is fabricated to fit in 24 test tubes of 12mm dia. The test tubes contact the walls of the block to provide constant precise temperatures to the test tubes contents. The output of the heater is controlled by means of a precision temperature sensor and highly sensitive automatic electronic temperature controller. It is widely used in samples cultivation, preservation and reaction, DNA amplification, pre- degeneration of electrophoresis and solidification. It is used in the clinical, pharmaceutical, chemical, food safety, environment and quality inspection etc.
...moreDigital Turbidity Meter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Clarity of water is extremely important in products destined for human consumption. Suspension free water is also considered necessary for industries manufacturing beverage, food products etc. Similarly, minimum limits of turbidity are required to be observed in drinking water & sewage disposals. Ei’s Digital Turbidity Meter and Nephelometer are ideal instruments for measurement of suspensions. They consist of a light source focused on a test tube containing the sample solution under test. The light, reflected at right angle to the focused light by the suspension in the solution, is detected by the photo electric detector, amplified and displayed on a 3½ digit LED display. Features Reliable & Accurate Results Measurements upto 1000 NTU 3½ Digit 7-Segment LED Display Sewage and Drinking Water Testing
...moreDigital Potentiometer
1 Piece (MOQ)
Digital Potentiometer Model-118 is a precision instrument for potentiometric measurements. Results are displayed in millivolts on a direct digital readout by 3½ digit LED display. It is supplied with a set of 4 electrodes viz. Reference, Platinum, Silver & Glass. It is extremely useful for potentionmetric, ORP and acid base titrations. This is useful instrument for Chemistry Labs, Pharmaceutical Industries, Colleges and University Labs etc. Features Highly Stable & Accurate 4 Electrodes for Different Titrations 3½ Digit LED Display Rugged & Economical
...moreDigital Friability Test Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Digital Friability Test Apparatus is a precision instrument suitable for measuring obression strength of tablets. The unit is equipped with two transparent acrylic drums which rotate at a speed of 25 ± 1 RPM. Each of the two acrylic drums are provided with an arm which carries the tablets along with it up to a predetermined height and allows them to fall from that specified height, while the drums are rotating, It is fitted with a digital revolution counter showing the current number of revolutions for the test. A thumb wheel switch is used to set the desired number of rotations. Provision is made to remove the lid of the acrylic drum by unscrewing just one knob. This is available in 1 drum and 2 drum assemblies. Features Seven segment LED display Sturdy motor to drive drums at constant speed
...moreDigital Colony Counter
1 Piece (MOQ)
The most time consuming part of carrying out a microbial count is the actual counting process on petri-dishes. Digital Colony Counter is designed for quick and accurate counting of bacterial and mould colonies in petri dishes. Feature packed and easy to use, this is an indispensable bench top tool for the busy microbiologist. It is designed for rapid and accurate counting of bacterial and mould colonies. Simply place the petri dish on the illuminated pad and touch the dish with the pen provided to mark each colony in turn. This causes a count to be registered on the digital display and an audible tone confirms each count made. Marking the dish with the pen avoids missing colonies or double counting. The digital count on the display can be reset manually any time by pressing reset key provided. Optimum viewing of colonies is aided by peripheral glare free illumination graticuled disc provided in the instrument. The magnifier magnifies the colony area. This is an indispensable tool for the microbiologist. Features Readout 0 – 999999 7-Segment LED Display Auto Marker Pen Audible Confirmation of Each Count Uniform Glare Free Illumination Wolffhugel Glass Grid with Focusing Facility LED Based Illumination
...moreDifferential Blood Cell Counter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Electronics India is prime Differential Blood Cell Counter manufacturers and suppliers from India. Differential Blood Cell Counter use microprocessor controlled system which offers accurate and quick differential counts. This cell counter is featured with reliability, accuracy, stability and is a sleek device. These cell counters are available with 11 operating keys that are suitable for clinical labs for showing the primary bacterial or virus infections. Differential Blood Cell Counter Model-368 use microprocessor controlled system which offers accurate and quick differential counts. This cell counter is featured with reliability, accuracy, stabilityand is a sleek device. These cell counters are available with 11 operating keys that are suitable for clinical labs for showing the primary bacterial or virus infections. Features Facility to count “8” Types of CELLS 16 x 2 line LCD Display Automatic percentage (%) calculation Individual cells counting facility In-built Stop Watch and Timer function Audible beep facility
Weight : 1.5 kg (Approx.)
...moreBulk Density Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Bulk Density Apparatus – 951 is a specially designed to study the packing down of powder beds of different pharmaceutical and chemical powders, flakes, pellets, granules and other bulk substances. Bulk Density is an essential test required in the process of tablet, capsule filling and cosmetic manufacturing. The system is equipped with microcontroller based digital display for displaying accurate and exact stroke count and soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation. The system has ‘SET’, ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ keys, for setting the total number of required strokes (Set Count) for the current measurement session. User can set to any number of required strokes within the range from 1 to 9999 counts. The system automatically stores the last ‘Set Count’ value which is retained in the memory even when the instrument is switched off. Each stroke count is displayed on the 4 digit seven segment bright red LED display on the front panel. A common lock cushioned holder for both the cylinders drops down smoothly from the height and holds the cylinders. The Up/Down (i.e. Tapping) movement of the cylinders stop automatically at the ‘Set Count’ value. An audible alarm sound indicates that the current measurement session is over. In case of power failure, the last counts are retained and the instrument starts counting automatically from the point of power failure. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. Features Extremely useful for Pharmaceutical Lab Highly Accurate and Easy to Operate Microcontroller Based Digital Display Soft Touch Membrane Keys 3 LED’s for status Indication Audible Alarm Sound Last Count Retention on Power Failure
...moreBlood Roller Mixer
1 Piece (MOQ)
The Roller Mixers mix samples through the simultaneously rolling action of the tubes and the carried vessels (bottles, test tubes etc.). As the tubes rolling, the vessels are rolling too, causing continuous mixing of the liquid inside the vessels. The most advanced features are the convenient sample handling and the accommodation of various types of vessels in the mixer without adding any adapters or accessories compared to other types of mixers.There are two types of action on the tube rolling mixers: With a slightly tilted angle on the axes of the tubes, a gently rocking action happens when tube rolling. It helps the mixing efficiency of some viscous samples in gentle mode. And it is ideal for mixing blood samples, viscous substances and liquid-solid suspensions where minimum aeration is required or for aiding defrosting of samples. A rolling action without rocking effect. Samples are mixed with the continuous rolling action. There are two types of sub-models for the above models based on the control modes: An analog and a digital control. Both of the sub-models have the speed and timer controls with maximum speed of 33rpm. All units can be used in incubators up to 60°C and humidity up to 80%, or in cold rooms down to 4°C. Most sizes of tubes, Bijoux, Universals and bottles can be accommodated.The LTR series are having nine rollers which suitable for large vessels and tubes. And the MTR series are smaller version with four rollers. The loading capacity is 5 KG for the above mixers.Advantages Rocking and rolling action for complete mixing Four roller design with small footprint Designed for continuous quiet operation Ambient temperature range +4°C to +60°C Rocking and rolling action for complete Mixing Four roller design with small footprint Designed for continuous quiet operation Ambient temperature range +4°C to +60°C Products Range:Semi Auto Analyser, Double Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, Single Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Haemoglobin Meter, Photo Colorimeter, pH Meter, Conductivity Meter, TDS Meter, DO Meter, Salinity Meter, Turbidity Meter, Nephelometer, Colony Counter, Karl Fischer Moisture Titrator, Fluorometer, Dissolution Test Apparatus, Disintegration Test Apparatus, Friability Apparatus, Melting Point Apparatus, Bulk Density Appartus, Telethermometer, Temperature Indicator, Water & Soil Analysis Kit, Portable pH Meter, Portable Conductivity Meter, Portable TDS Meter, Portable DO Meter, Student Microscope, Binocular Microscope, Medical Microscope, Co-Axial Microscope.
Country of Origin : India
Certification : ISO 9001 : 2015
Condition : New
Automatic Grade : Automatic
Driven Type : Electric
Brand Name : ESICO
...moreAlpha 06 Digital Conductivity Meter
1 Piece (MOQ)
EI’s Digital Conductivity Meters are reliable and accurate test instruments for measurement of Conductivity of aqueous solutions. They measure Conductivity in five ranges. The Resolution is 0.1 µS/cm in the lowest range. The cell constant is flashed on a digital display & can be adjusted from the front panel. The instruments have the “Check” facility to calibrate the instrument. These instruments are ideal for monitoring salt contents in water and soluble salts in soils. They are extremely useful instruments for agriculture and soil analysis labs, swimming pools, fertilizer plants, petroleum refineries, textile plants etc. Features Highly Stable & Accurate Cell Constant Adjustment Facility 3½ Digit Display Available in Laboratory & Field Models
...moreAlpha 05 Digital TDS Meter
1 Piece (MOQ)
EI’s Digital TDS Meters are reliable and accurate test instruments for measurement of TDS of aqueous solutions. They measure TDS in five ranges. The Resolution is 0.1 µS/cm and 0.1 ppm respectively, in the lowest range. The cell constant is flashed on a digital display & can be adjusted from the front panel. The instruments have the “Check” facility to calibrate the instrument. These instruments are ideal for monitoring salt contents in water and soluble salts in soils. They are extremely useful instruments for agriculture and soil analysis labs, swimming pools, fertilizer plants, petroleum refineries, textile plants etc. Features Highly Stable & Accurate Cell Constant Adjustment Facility 3½ Digit Display Available in Laboratory & Field Models
...moreAlpha-03 Digital Photo Colorimeter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Digital Photo Colorimeters Alpha 03 are the finest colorimeters that combine convenience in operation with high precision & accuracy of Absorbance analysis. High standard glass filters covering 400-700 nm are mounted on a rotating disc. Highly sensitive photo sensor and use of latest IC technology makes the instruments highly rugged. A minimum sample volume of 1ml is used. In-built shutter increases the life of the photocell. It is extremely useful for blood chemistries in chemical /clinical labs, pharmaceutical industries, medicine plants, water treatment plants, agricultural universities etc. Features 1ml sample volume Range from 400 to 700nm Highly Stable & Accurate Battery/Mains operated Colorimeter also Available
Power : 230 V ± 10% AC, 50Hz
Weight : 2 Kg. (Approx.)
...moreAlpha 01 Digital PH Meter
1 Piece (MOQ)
Digital pH Meters are ideal instruments for determination of pH value of any aquons solution. The results are displayed on a 3½ digit display. These are unique instruments that combine convenience with accuracy and precision in analysis. The temperature compensation facility, both automatic and manual is available. The measurement range is from 0 to 14 pH with a resolution of 0.01 pH. These are extremely useful instruments for agriculture and soil analysis laboratories, swimming pools, fertilizer plants, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, petroleum refineries, textile plants etc. Features Measures pH & mV Highly Stable and Accurate 3½ Digit Display Auto Polarity & Decimal Indication Battery & Mains Operated Available
...more961 Leak Test Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Leak Test Apparatus is a solid state instrument designed for the leakage testing of food, drug and other industrial chemical products. The instrument is used to test the quality of packing processes in strips, blisters and sachets containing tablets, granulates and liquids. They are also used to check that the seals enclosing the product are perfectly intact. The Instrument is equipped with microcontroller based 4 digit seven segment bright red LED display. Soft touch keys provides a convenient user interface. The unit contains a polycarbonate desiccator housing to sustain the vacuum for long time. A compact vacuum pump for creating high vacuum level in short time period is used. A vacuum gauge on the front panel of the instrument indicates the vacuum level. The vacuum gauge is connected to a control valve that isolates the vacuum inside desiccator from the vacuum source. Test samples to be analyzed are placed into the polycarbonate desiccator housing. A vacuum pump generates vacuum inside the desiccator. The vacuum generated is held for a pre-set time, and then released manually. The test samples being analyzed should retain their shape during this test, indicating the sealing is correct. Secondly, as the strip/bottles under test are immersed in a colored dye solution (normally Methylene Blue). The venting of the desiccators will allow any holes to be penetrated by the dye and the contents of the flexible packaging will also be stained with the same coloring material. Features Extremely Useful for Packing Industry Ideal for Leak Testing of Strips, Blisters & Sachets Programmable Hold Time
...more934 & 935 Digital Melting Point Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Melting Point Apparatus with 4 digit, 7-Segment LED display is designed for accurate measurement of melting points and for checking the melting range of the solid samples. The apparatus consists of a silicon bath of about 200 ml capacity, covered with teflon cover with 3 holes fitted, with a special type of oil immersion heater having three holes for holding the capillaries, one for boiling point tube and one for the thermometer. The apparatus consists of in-built magnetic stirrer, an electronic controller with indicator for precisely adjusting the rate of heating of silicon oil-bath, an ON/OFF switch, a pilot lamp, with magnifier, a glare free background illuminator, a High/Low range temperature selector switch and digital temperature indicator with PT100 RTD sensor The ‘Start’ switch is used to start the measurement of melting point. User can sto the measurement using the ‘Stop’ switch after the instrument reaches the melting point of the sample. The display will always show the last temperature where ‘Stop’ switch pressed in the last measurement. Clear switch is used to clear the display to zero. FEATURES Extremely Useful for Pharmaceutical Industry Highly Accurate & Easy to Operate 4 Digit 7-Segment LED Display Digital Readout for Temperature 0.1 °C (Model – 935) and 1 °C (Model – 934) Silicon Oil-Bath and In-built Magnetic Stirrer for Uniform Heating Glare-free Illuminator and Large Magnifier for Stainfree Observation
...more931 Melting Point Apparatus
1 Piece (MOQ)
Melting Point Apparatus – 931 is designed for accurate measurement of melting points and for checking the melting range of the solid samples. The apparatus consists of silicon bath of about 200 ml capacity, covered with teflon cover, fitted with a special type of oil immersion heater having three holes for holding the capillaries, one for boiling point tube and one for thermometer. The apparatus consists of in-built magnetic stirrer, with indicator for precisely adjusting the rate of heating of silicon oil-bath, an On/Off switch, a pilot lamp, with magnifier, a thermometer, a glare free background illuminator and a high/low range temperature selector switch. Features Extremely Useful for Pharmaceutical Use Highly Accurate & Easy to Operate Silicon Oil-bath and In-built Magnetic Stirrer for Uniform Heating Glare-free Illuminator and Large Magnifier for Stainfree Observation
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