Solar Photovoltaic Panel System
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This is a control system trainer which lets the student technician examine the electrical layout and operational features normally associated with a photovoltaic power source. Features: Test the direct output of the pane Configure PV panel to achieve necessary voltage /current / power requirement Document I-V output at various light intensities and correlate light intensity to power generation ( P vs T ) Test various battery confiigure (option) Connect the PV array generation circuitry to storage batteries Document battery charge and discharge rates Connect the PV array circuitry to an AC inverter Drive an AC load with the PV array generation system Contains two solar photovoltaic modules mounted on an adjustable carriage which can be tilted for optimum exposure with a nominal voltage output of 17.3V DC at 5.8A an inverter that converts the DC to 240VAC single phase at 300W a high-capacity solar battery controls to monitor power from solar modules and to switch to battery a-0-15V DC voltmeter , DC ammeter and a 0-240V AC voltmeter. Mobile frame constructed of code gauge furniture stock steel with 4 swivelcasters,two with locks and connecting cords.
Secondary Cells Photovoltaic Energy Systems
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