plasma freezers
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Micro controller based Plasma Freezers are designed for quick freezing and storing of plasma and related blood components at desired low temperature as low as .40°C. The system includes controller with digital temperature display. Temperature recorder. ON/OFF switch. Temperature alarm system with adjustable high/low alarm limits, Includes audio visual alarm on temperature deviation. CALIBRATION The equipment is calibrated with the help of master calibrator, which is certified for its accuracy by Electronics Regional Testing Laboratory (ERTL West) Government of India recognized testing laboratory with traceable reference to National Physical Laboratories (NPL). CABINET CONSTRUCTION & REFRIGERATION SYSTEM I High density CFC Free Poly Urethane Foam insulated cabinet with corrosion resistant stainless steel interior, white powder coated exterior finish. Keyed door lock for improved security with magnetic door gasket open stainless steel plasma basket. Air.cooled hermetically sealed compressor SALIENT FEATURES Micro-controller controls the Internal temperature within ± O5°C. Foamed In place CFC free PUF insulation ensures temperature stability and reduced energy consumption. Audio visual alarm when the temperature deviates from the set temperature. Specially designed Stainless steel plasma baskets ensure even temperature distribution. Display of set value and process value. Stainless steel PUF insulated Inner door to minimize the temperature loss.