Regenerative Burner
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We are proud to present Regenerative Burner that is the most effective Waste Heat Recovery system for high temperature furnaces like Aluminum Melting, Steel Heat treatment, etc. It has a pair of two burners having the built-in heat storage unit. In running state one burner unit exhausts combustion gas and accumulates heat, while another burner is combusting. Heat is accumulated by alternating between combustion and exhaust every 60 to 120 seconds, preheating combustion air to high temperature. By repeating the above cycle, 40 to 70% of the exhaust heat recovery can be acquired.Salient Features : Exhaust heat recovery : From 40 to 70% Fuel Saving : 20 to 35% Exhaust flue gas temperature will remain below 200 oC Combustion air can be heated up to 500 oC Low heating time PLC operated Burner cycle switching Fast payback period due to high fuel saving
Kiln Tyres
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We are offerring kiln tyres we are engaged in the manufacturing and supplying of the kiln tyres. Our kiln tyres are robustly constructed to provide continues heavy duty. These kiln tyres come in proper dimensions and are durable in nature. We manufacture our kiln tyres from high grade iron as the raw material for high performance and corrosion resistance. features : proper dimensionssturdy constructionhigh performancedurable specifications : material : 20mn5approx. Weight : 55 tonuse for : sponge iron plant
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