TurbiMAX RA Test Kit
TurbiMAX RA IMMUNO TURBIDOMETRIC METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVRAF (T) - 50-50 ml Salient Features : Quantitative Immunoturbidometric assay. Two liquid stable reagents(Turbilatex and Diluent) Linearity range 6-180 IU/ml. Calibrator provided. No interference from Hemoglobin (10 g/I), Bilirubin (20 mg/dl), Lipemia (10 g/I)
...moreTurbiMAX Microalbumin Test Kit
IMMUNO TURBIDOMETRIC METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVMAL (T) - 50-50 ml Salient Features : Photometric quantitative Immunoturibidometric assay. Two liquid stable reagents (Turbilatex and Diluent) Linearity range 150 IU/ml. Values less than 2 mg/L give non reproducible results. Calibrator provided. No interference from Bilirubin (10 gm/L), Creatinine (3 gm/L) and Glucose (2 gm/L)
...moreTurbiMAX Lipoprotein A Test Kit
IMMUNO TURBIDOMETRIC METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVLPA (T) - 50-50 ml Salient Features : Photometric quantitative Immunoturibidometric assay. Two Liquid stable reagents (Turbilatex and Diluent) Linearity range 90 mg/di Values less than 1.5 mg/dL give non reproducible results. Calibrator provided. No interference from Hemoglobin (5 g/1), Bilirubin (20 mg/dl), Plasminogen (680 mg/dL), Ascorbic acid (200 mg/dL) Lipemia (20 g/l) and Rheumatoid factors (100IU/mL).
...moreTurbiMAX HbA1c Test Kit
(MICRO COLUMN METHOD) RefJCat. No -Pack Size AVHGB (A1 C) - 40-40 Tests Salient Features : Micro column chromatography. Results is obtained by a calibration. Measuring wavelength 660 nm (600-670nm) Good accuracy and precision (CV below 5%) Results can be converted in to IFCC and NGSP methods. MBG can be calculated. Can be used on any colorimeter, discrete semi automated analyzers
...moreTurbiMAX CRP Test Kit
IMMUNO TURBIDOMETRIC METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVCRP (T) - 50-50 ml Salient Features : Quantitative Immunoturbidometric assay. Two liquid stable reagents(Turbilatex and Diluent) Linearity range 100 mg/dl Detects as low as 2 mg/dl Calibrator provided. No interference from Bilirubin (20 mg/dl), Lipemia (10 g/l) and Rheumatoid factors (300 1U/mL).
...moreTurbiMAX ASO Test Kit
IMMUNO TURBIDOMETRIC METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVASO (T) - 50-50 ml Salient Features : Quantitative Immunoturbidometric assay. Two liquid stable reagents(Turbilatex and Diluent) Linearity range 800 IU/ml. Calibrator provided. No interference from Hemoglobin (10 g/l), Bilirubin (20 mg/dl), Lipemia (10 g/I) and Rheumatoid factors (600IU/mL).
...moreSeroMAX Widal OH Test Kit
AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVWID - 20-4 x 5 ml AVWID(OH) -20-2+2 x 5 ml Salient Features : Separate colour coded antigens. Uniform, homogenous and stabilized bacterial antigens. Qualitative and Semi quantitative slide test and tube test procedures. Positive control provided. Sample dilution not required.
...moreSeroMAX RPR Test Kit
SLIDE AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVRPR - 50-50 TESTS AVRPR - 100-100 TESTS AVRPR - 500-500 TESTS Salient Features : Uniform, homogenous, micronised carbonparticles (Cardiolipin Antigen). Cardiolipin Antigen is in aqueous base. Qualitative and Semi quantitative procedures. Positive and negative controls provided. Sample dilution not required. Sample inactivation not required.
...moreSeroMAX RA Test Kit
LATEX SLIDE AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVRAF - 25-25 TESTS AVRAF - 50-50 TESTS AVRAF - 100-100 TESTS Salient Features : Cut off sensitivity 12 1U/ml. Uniform and Homogeneous Latex Particles ensure clear Agglutination. Qualitative and Semi quantitative procedures. Positive and negative controls provided. Sample dilution not required. Sensitivity 12 IU/m1 is calibrated against WHO calibrators.
...moreSeroMAX CRP Test Kit
LATEX SLIDE AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVCRP - 25-25 TESTS AVCRP - 50-50 TESTS AVCRP - 100-100 TESTS Salient Features : Cut off Sensitivity 0.6 mg/dl. Uniform and Homogeneous Latex Particles ensure clear Agglutination. Qualitative and Semi quantitative procedures. Positive and negative controls provided. Sample dilution is not required. Sensitivity 0.6 mg/dl is calibrated against WHO calibrators.
...moreSeroMAX ASO Test Kit
LATEX SLIDE AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVASO - 25-25 TESTS AVASO - 50-50 TESTS AVASO - 100-100 TESTS Salient Features : Cut off sensitivity 200 IU/ml. Uniform and Homogenous latex particles ensure clear Agglutination. Qualitative and Semi quantitative procedures. Positive and Negative Controls provided. Sample dilution is not required. Sensitivity 200 !Wm! is calibrated against WHO calibrators.
...moreSeroMAX Anti ABD Combi Pack Test Kit
AGGLUTINATION METHOD Ref./Cat. No.-Pack Size AVABD - 153 x 5 ml AVABD - 30-3 x 10 ml Salient Features : Uniform, homogenous and stabilized bacterial antigens. Qualitative and Semi quantitative slide test and tube test procedures. Contamination due to HIV, HBsAg & HCV is practical excluded and safe to use. Anti A, B, AB, as monoclonal Reagent, Anti `D' as IGM + IGM Blend
...moreSC-60+ Hematology Analyzer
Type : Automatic
Certification : Clinic, Hospital
Voltage : 220 V
Function : Blood Analysis
Driven Type : Electric
Animal species : CE Certified
...moreMicroplate Washer
Type : Automatic
Material : Plastic
Certification : ISI Certified
Color : Blue
Display Type : LCD
...moreMaxLine Typhoid Antibody Test Kit
Ref./Cat. No.- Pack Size AVTYP - 50 - 50 Test Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography assay. One Step Rapid Test. Detects IgG and IgM Antibodies in human Serum/Plasma/ Whole Blood.
...moreMaxLine Troponin I Test Kit
Ref./Cat. No. - Pack Size AVMLTRO - 10 - 10 Tests AVMLTRO - 30 -30 Tests Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography assay. One Step Rapid Test. Detects cTnl in human Serum/Plasma/ Whole Blood. Built-in Procedural Control.
...moreMaxLine Syphilis (TP) Card
Ref./Cat. No. - Pack Size AVSYP (S) - 100 - 100 Tests AVSYP (C) - 50 -50 Tests Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography Assay. Double Anitigen sandwich Principle. Detects IgG and IgM Antibodies in human Serum/Plasma Uses Treponema specific recombinant Antigens. Has been compared with leading commercial TPHA Syphilis test demonstrating the overall accuracy greater than 99.7%
Accuracy : 99.7% (99% - 99.9 %)
...moreMaxLine S.Typhoid and P. Typhoid Antigen Test
Ref./Cat. No. - Pack Size AVSTPTA - 50 - 50 Test Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography assay. One Step Rapid Test. Detects salmonella typhi & para typhi antigen in human Serum/Plasma.
Accuracy : 99.7%
...moreMaxline Pregnancy Card
Ref./Cat. No. - Size Pack AVPRE (S)100 -100 Tests AVPRE (C1)50- Mini 50 Tests AVPRE (C2)50- Maxi 50 Tests Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography assay. Sensitivity 25 mIU/m1hCG in urine. No cross reactivity with LH upto 200 mIU/ml, FSH upto 1000 mIU/ml & TSH upto 1000 mIU/m1 Strip available as per requirement.
...moreMaxLine Malaria Pf/Pan Antigen Card
Ref./Cat. No. -Pack Size AVMAL (1) - 50 -50 Tests Salient Features : One step malaria Pf/Pan whole blood test and self performing. Lateral flow immuno chromatographic assay. Qualitative, two site sandwitch immunoassay, utilizing whole blood for the detection of P. falciparum specific histidine rich protein-2 (HRP-II) and Pan specific pLDH.
Shelf Life : Longer Shelf Life of 24 Months
...moreMaxLine Malaria Antigen Pf/Pv Rapid Test Kit
Ref./Cat. No. - Pack Size AVMAL (3) - 50 - 50 Tests Salient Features : One step malaria Pf/Pv whole blood test protocol Detection is based on immuno chromatographic assay. Malaria pf (HRP II) antigen test is for the rapid qualitative determination of Malaria P. falciparum falciparum specific histidine rich protien-2 (pf HRP-II) and MalariaP. vivax specific lactate dehydrogenase (p/LDH) in human blood as an aid in the diagnosis of malaria infection.
...moreMaxLine Malaria Antigen Pan
Ref./Cat. No. - Pack Size AVMAL (2) - 50 50 Tests Salient Features : One step malaria 'Pan' whole blood test protocol Detection is based on immuno chromatographic assay. Malaria 'Pan' antigen test is for the qualitative determination of all four Malaria Plasmodium species (Pan Specific pLDH).
...moreMaxLine HIV 1/2 Test Cassette
ref./cat. no - size pack avhiv - 30 -30 tests avhiv - 50 -50 tests salient features : lateral flow immuno chromatography assay double anitigen sandwich principle. detects igg and igm antibodies in human serum/plasma/whole blood. detects hiv 1, hiv 2. has been compared with leading commercial hiv elisa tests and western blot tests and the correlation between the systems is 99.8%
...moreMaxLine HCV Card
Ref./Cat. No. - Size Pack AVHCV - 30 - 30 Tests AVHCV - 50 -50 Tests Salient Features : Lateral Flow Immuno Chromatography assay. Uses HCV recombinant Antigens from Core, NS3, NS4, NS5 regions. Detects all types of antibodies (IgM/IgG/IgA) in human serum/plasma/whole blood. Has been compared with leading commercial HCV ELISA and the accuracy between the systems is 99.8%
...moreOpening Hours
Hindustan Scientific Traders Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted name in the Indian medical engineering sphere. We are counted amid trusted manufacturers and suppliers of engineering instruments used in the medical sphere. It includes biochemistry analyzer, elisa plate reader, and microplate washer. These instruments are precisely conceived for carrying out multiple medical examinations. Our teams of experts use modern technology for manufacturing these instruments. Furthermore, we integrate apt circuits for the matchless functionality of medical engineering instruments. For further queries, contact us and speak to our experts today.
Hindustan Scientific Traders Pvt. Ltd. is led by Mr. Rohit Kumar. He’s the chairperson of the company and established it in 2021. We are located in Patna (Bihar, India). Ours is a dedicated workforce that leaves no stone unturned in offering assistance to clients. The collective efforts have led us to muster sizable clientele in Patna.
With state-of-art infrastructural facilities, we’ve been successful in achieving the goal of producing world-class medical engineering products. With modern machinery and expert surveillance, we produce the optimal quality machines like biochemistry analyzer, elisa plate reader, and microplate washer.
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