MKG COURIERS Jaganpura, Patna, Bihar

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
1️⃣ *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* Company is working since last 3 Years in all over India/ by appointing Franchisees at Block and District level. Now the company is starting operations all over Hindustan/India.
2️⃣ *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* wants to appoint Franchisee to expand its business at Area/Block, District and State level all over Hindustan/India.
MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* gives franchisee to only one person or firm in a location, the company will not do direct work in the location where the company has a franchisee. If the franchisee is unable to perform the work as per the agreement or contract with the company, then the company has full right to appoint any other person or firm as a franchisee partner.
4️⃣ *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* fully supports its franchisee in working. and provides training from time to time.
MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* provides 100 to 150 couriers per day to its franchisees, the distance of courier delivery is maximum at its own business level. The courier is required to reach the customer in 1 to 2 days.
6️⃣ *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD * pays a commission of Rs 22 to 150 on each courier to its franchisee.
Area/Block Per Day Earning = 150×22
Area City Franchise Daily Income = 250×22
District earning per day 500 × 22 = Rs.
State earning per day 1000 × 22 = Rs.
*MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* commission will be given to your franchisee everyday
8️⃣ *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD* provides Bonus, Gift, Office Branding, Tour Package, Laptop, Bag, T-shirt, Identity Card etc. to its Franchisee for doing good work.
9️ The following are required to take the franchise of *MKG COURIERS PVT LTD*
Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Email, Mobile Number
Office (at least 150 to 200 square feet)
Office staff (at least 2 to 4)
️Computer / Laptop, Internet
Pin Code Franchisee Charge Rs.3150/-
(One Time, Refundable
Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Email, Mobile Number
Office (at least 200 to 300 square feet)
Office staff (at least 3 to 4)
️Computer / Laptop, Internet, Twowheeler and Mobile
Franchisee Charge Rs.10,000/-
(One Time, -refundable)
*👉AH (Area Head) Franchise*
Area / Block Sector / Block City Franchisee at the Franchisee Level
Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Email, Mobile Number
Office (at least 250 to 300 square feet)
Office staff (at least 5 to 6)
️Computer / Laptop, Internet, Twowheeler and Mobile
Franchisee Charge 6500 Rs./-
(One Time, -refundable)
for more information
*📞 Call / WhatsApp - 8871199089*
*🏢Office Time ️*
10am To 7pm
Monday To Saturday
Branch Head Office Patna Bihar
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Contact Information


  • Prashant Thakur
  • Patna Bihar, Jaganpura

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