ayurvedic brain tonic
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Peace-pill herbal capsule unique ayurvedic preparation made from a combination of herbs according to pre-historic ayurvedic scriptural process, which makes it very effective as anti-depressant. Doses : - one capsule in the morning with water. (apart from routine dose, can be taken additionally at a time of uncomfortable state of mind more tension.) main work of the medicine is to stabilise the hyper activity of the nerves in the brain. other benefits : it strengthens the body and brain to cope up with additional stress. synchronises the function of brain and nerves. it reduces hyper-activity of nerves. it improved brain function by making brain cells healthy and strong. it prevents excessive changes in hormonal levels due to stress. In normal circumstances, person experience relief within two-three weeks. advantages of the medicine: made from pure herbs, doesn’t have any side effect nor it interacts with other herbsdrugs. Maximum treatment is for about 12 months or as per individual requirement. Is a permanent solution for stress.