P H REMEDIES Kutiyana, Porbandar, Gujarat

  • Male Infertility Treatment

    Male Infertility Treatment

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    20 Piece(s) (MOQ)

    Seed-up herbal capsule the answer to the entire problem – seed-up herbal capsule: cures oligospermia increase semen quality stimulates speedy production of sperm and incredibly increases sperm count (a challenge to medical science) makes sperm more healthier and strong increase sperm motility cures abnormalities of sperm increase sperm fertility and life note: • dose: two capsules a day to be taken compulsorily with milk. • average period of treatment is about 8 to 15 months • seed-up herbal capsules works as per basic constitution and nature of person • the medicine is not much help to a patient with azoospermia. Seed-up herbal capsule, a challenge to modern science as per the modern medical science, the production of sperm in male body is very complex mechanism, which involves various organs, gland and hormones secreted from the glands. Not only this, but the whole system should function harmoniously. sperm takes 74 days to produce and mature and therefore there is often a 4 to 6 months delay between treatment of the male and resulting changes in the sperm. If we make the statement in other way – according to modern science it is impossible to improve sperm count before 74 days. Seed-up herbal capsule start increasing sperm count within 45 days.

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  • Kidney Disease Ayurvedic Treatment

    Kidney Disease Ayurvedic Treatment

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    . Nephrinse herbal capsule : (for renal failure) nephrinse - the ultimate solution for renal failure: nephrinse hepls to : reduce high creatinine and bring them to normal levels over a period of time. Effectively controls blood urea improves gfr controls blood pressure which is due to renal failure normally nephrinse will start work within 30 days. Which can be measured through renal function test at the beginning of the treatment and at the end of 30 days. The duration of treatment will depend on the present level of creatinine. Dose 1 capsule twice a day (morning and evening) with milk

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  • HIV Herbal Medicine

    HIV Herbal Medicine

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    Immun-grow herbal capsule: unique ayurvedic preparation for treatment of aids. Doses : - one capsule three times a day. (for patient with very weak health – i.e. Last stage of aids) - one capsule two times a day (for all other patients). (patient having constant vomiting and diarrhea, take powder from capsule, mix it with honey and give to the patient) benefits: from the day first, it will start working. Patient with very last stage have following benefits. • control in temperature. • weight gain over a period of time. • improvement in physical condition and health • increases cd 4 count • improvement in immune system so the body will have good resistance power. Which will ensure prevention of other diseases, which are very common due to aids. Other instructions : • patient should absent himselfherself from sexual activities during the treatment. (it is must, otherwise there will be less result of medicine) • monitor weight, hb and cd4 count every 15th day. Viral load every 30 days. • maintain temperature record from day one.

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  • High Blood Pressure

    High Blood Pressure

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    100 Piece(s) (MOQ)

    Cardi-safe herbal capsule: formulated as per ancient scriptural process, after years of deep research, for the curative measure of high blood pressure. Approximately four to nine months’ continuous treatment with cardi-safe will maintain blood pressure within normal limits. Once the blood pressure comes within normal limits - cardi-safe will no more required. However it is advisable for regular check up of blood pressure. Additional benefits: it increases the efficiency of the heart by lowering the high blood pressure and by keeping it within normal limits. it reduces the risk of hemorrhage from a vessel by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. It reduces risk of stroke by ensuring proper blood circulation. it cures insomnia. Cardi-safe also eliminates possibilities of heart attack and kidney failure by maintaining the blood pressure within normal limits. Caution: allopathic medicines should not be stopped completely at the time of starting cardi-safe capsule. 15-21 days after the simultaneous treatment with cardi-safe, doses of allopathic medicine will be reduced gradually and stop completely within next 30 to 90 days. dose : one capsule a day.

    Brand : CARDI-SAFE

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  • Herbal Liver Tonic

    Herbal Liver Tonic

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    Live-ton herbal capsule: a pure herbal preparation formulated as per the ancient ayurvedic scriptural process devoted to keep liver intact. Dose : one to two capsule per day. (to be taken with lemon juice only) benefits : increases liver function and keeps liver intact. Protects liver from possible threats like arising from virus, injured by chemicals, over alcoholism, or even threat from own immune system. Effective in every stage of liver diseases, very initial stage like “inflamed liver” to “liver cirrhosis”. Equally effective in hepatitis a, hepatitis b viral attack. Can be used to prevent liver diseases. Very safe, have no side effects what so ever, doesn’t interact with other medicine or herbs. note : it works as per basics constitution and nature of body. Normally it starts effect within 2 weeks. Doesn’t help much in liver cancer and hepatitis c.

    Type : Capsules

    Brand Name : LIVE-TON

    Grade : Medicine

    Packaging Type : 30 Capsules

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  • Heart Diseases Treatment

    Heart Diseases Treatment

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    Beat-care herbal capsule: a unique ayurvedic medicine, formulated as per the ancient scriptural process after years of deep research, for the curative measure of heart diseases. doses : 1 to 2 capsule three times a day method of ingestion : capsule is compulsorily taken with milk only. (patient can use the milk of hisher choice) benefits of the medicine: it eliminates possibilities of stroke (helps in cerebrovascular disease) it helps in all type of coronary heart disease (chd) it eliminates possibilities of heart attack i.e. Congestive heart failure (chf) it maintains lipids in blood within normal ranges. it regularises function of heart. It increases lvef. If heart is become enlarges, it reshapes to original size, likewise also for shrinkage of heart. No side effects in normal course the medicine start effect within two weeks. The total treatment period will differ for each individual. However it can be anywhere from 6 to 12 months. the medicine can also used as preventive measure. A six months preventive treatment by a healthy individual can eliminates most of the cardiavasular diseases (cvd). There after every year 90 days treatment will keep preventing all cvd. Results of beat-care may vary in different individuals. Cardoclear herbal capsule works as per the basic constitution and nature of the body

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  • Diabetic Medicines

    Diabetic Medicines

    700 Per Piece

    100 Piece(s) (MOQ)

    Bitter-boon herbal powder information in detail about the general trend of effect of bitter-boon: mostly 75 % patient will gets symptomatic relief within 3 to 4 weeks, during this period they will feel more energetic, relief in cramping and reduce in frequency of urination, after 3 to 4 weeks, there is downward trend in sugar level, and gradually it comes down to normal limits. another about 15 to 20 % patient gets response within 4 to 6 weeks and about 5 % patient responded within 12 weeks. The rest is very uncertain when they got the response of the medicine, say more than 6 months. general trend of reducing the pills insulin is, when the sugar level is more than 200 with pills insulin, wait till it comes down below 180, then reduce the dose of pill insulin, once you reduce the pill insulin the sugar level tend to rise, which will again managed by bitter-boon, wait till it bring down below 180 once again, reduce the doses and like wise eliminate the hypoglycemic agents. with a 150 - 160 sugar level, first we have to reduce the dose to the extent that it reaches about 170 - 180 marks, when it comes down to previous mark, reduce the dose and likewise eliminate the pills insulin. Does and method of application: take approx. 5 gms. (1 tea spoon) powder, mix it with 1 glass of water (approx. 200 ml.) stir it properly and kept it overnight. Drink the water on empty stomach in the morning leaving the powder at the bottom of the glass. (20-30 minutes after drink, tea, coffee or breakfast can be taken.) add ã�â½ glass fresh water to same glass and mix it again, leave it all day till evening and drink only water. Half and hour before dinner, (leaving the powder at bottom of glass). Discard the sediment and take fresh medicine for next day.

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  • Cholesterol Reducers

    Cholesterol Reducers

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    Chol-even herbal powder: doses and method of ingestion: approx. 5 gms. (1 tea spoon) powder, mix it with 1 glass of water (appx. 200 ml), stirred properly and kept the overnight. The water along with the powder must be taken in the morning (with empty stomach. You can take tea, coffee or break fast after 20-30 minutes) the total treatment may be around 6 to 12 months, depend on the level of cholesterol in the blood. If the cholesterol is deposited in the blood vessel or valves, then continue till the same is removed completely. Once a normal level is maintained, it is advisable to have a treatment of 2 months, once in a year as a preventive measure. Additional benefits: � reduces cholesterol level to normal, maintains it within normal limits and thus prevents heart disease due to high cholesterol � removes cholesterol from the athero-sclerosed blood vessels and improves supply so all the organs and cells of the body gets adequate blood supply � practically eliminates possibilities of heart attack due to inadequate blood supply to heart � prevents blood vessels getting narrowed, thickened and inelastic � prevents dangerous fluctuations of high blood pressure due to high cholesterol and also prevents heart getting dilated � keeps all lipoproteins in the blood within normal limits [it does cardio protective changes in all lipoproteins in the blood] � improves the sense of well being, zeal, enthusiasm and energy l

    Type : Powder

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  • ayurvedic brain tonic

    ayurvedic brain tonic

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    Peace-pill herbal capsule unique ayurvedic preparation made from a combination of herbs according to pre-historic ayurvedic scriptural process, which makes it very effective as anti-depressant. Doses : - one capsule in the morning with water. (apart from routine dose, can be taken additionally at a time of uncomfortable state of mind more tension.) main work of the medicine is to stabilise the hyper activity of the nerves in the brain. other benefits : it strengthens the body and brain to cope up with additional stress. synchronises the function of brain and nerves. it reduces hyper-activity of nerves. it improved brain function by making brain cells healthy and strong. it prevents excessive changes in hormonal levels due to stress. In normal circumstances, person experience relief within two-three weeks. advantages of the medicine: made from pure herbs, doesn’t have any side effect nor it interacts with other herbsdrugs. Maximum treatment is for about 12 months or as per individual requirement. Is a permanent solution for stress.

    Type : 30 Capsules

    Brand Name : PEACE-PILL

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  • allergy relief tablets

    allergy relief tablets

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    The aller-fade remedy is founded on the premise that allergy, caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system leading to a misdirected immune response, occurs when the immune system reacts to substances (allergens) that are generally harmless and in most people do not cause an immune response. When an allergen enters the body of a person with a sensitized immune system, it triggers antibody production. Histamine and other chemicals are released by body tissues, such as basophil, eosinophil and mast cell, as part of the immune response. This histamine affects on three types of receptors called h-1, h-2 and h-3. Out of these, h-1 receptor is responsible for symptoms of allergy. The type of symptoms that develop depends on the specific allergen, the part of the body where exposure occurs, and the way the immune system reacts to the allergen. Symptoms vary in severity from person to person. Whatever is the cause, every time histamine released from body tissue activates the h-1 receptor, which cause allergic symptoms. Aller-fade herbal capsule interrupts histamine and prevents its contact with h-1 receptor. When h-1 receptor is not activated through histamine, there is no sign of allergic reaction. Doses and method of ingestion: two capsules a day (one in the morning and one at evening) the duration of treatment normally depending upon the kind of allergy and the personal history of the patient. In any circumstances it must be taken for minimum period of 6 months continuously, after this, if require, one should extend the treatment.

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  • amoxicillin and clavulanate tablets

    amoxicillin and clavulanate tablets

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    Amoxycilin- 500mg & Clavulanic acid - 125mg. Tablets .

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  • Cefixime Tablets

    Cefixime Tablets

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    We are offering cefixime- 200mg dispersible tablets.

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  • dicloxacillin


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    We are offering amoxycilin- 250mg. & dicloxacilin- 250mg. Capsules

    Brand Name : PH-DX

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  • Aceclofenac Paracetamol Tablets

    Aceclofenac Paracetamol Tablets

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    We are offering Aceclofenac- 100mg. & Paracetamol- 325mg. Tablets

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  • Serratiopeptidase


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    We are offering Aceclofenac- 100mg. Serratiopeptidase- 15mg. & Paracetamol- 325mg. Tablets

    Type : Alu-Alu Pack (1X10) Tablets

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  • Rabeprazole


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    We are offering Rabeprazole-20mg. & Domperidone-30mg. Sustained Release Capsules .

    Type : Alu-Alu Pack (1X10) Tablets

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  • Ranitidine Hydrochloride

    Ranitidine Hydrochloride

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    We are offering Ranitidine -300mg Tablets .

    Type : Doublealuminium (1X10) Tablets

    Brand Name : RANIJEN

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  • Multivitamin Capsule

    Multivitamin Capsule

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    We are offering Lycopene-5mg.,Anti-oxidants Multivitamines & Multiminerals Capsules

    Type : Alu-Alu Pack (110) Capsules

    Brand Name : PH-LYFOL

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  • mouth ulcer gel

    mouth ulcer gel

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    We are offering Tannic acid-5.0% ww, Choline salicylate-8.0% ww, Cetrimide-0.01% ww, & Lignocaine-2.0% ww Gum Paint

    Type : 15ml Bottale

    Brand Name : PH-GUMSIL

    Packaging Type : 15 ML

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  • Mouthwash Bottle

    Mouthwash Bottle

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    We are offering Chlorhexidine Gluconate-0.2%wv, Sodium fluoride-0.05% wv, & Zinc Chloride-0.09% wv Mouth Whsh .

    Type : 10ml Bottle

    Brand Name : PH-ORAFRESH

    Application : antiseptic mouthwash

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  • Potassium Nitrate

    Potassium Nitrate

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    We are offering Potassium Nitrate-55 WW, Sodum Monofluorophosphate-0.7% ww, & Triclosan-0.3% ww Tooth Paste .

    Brand Name : PH-DENTOSEAL

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  • Ranitidine Tablet

    Ranitidine Tablet

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  • Amoxycillin And Dicloxacillin Capsules

    Amoxycillin And Dicloxacillin Capsules

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2013
  • No. of Employees 20 - 50
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 2.5 to 5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Partnership

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
We , the p h remedies, a leading pharmaceutical company manufacturing allopathic as well as ayurvedic (herbal) medicines for years. Here we are glad to inform you that we are going to expand our business throughout the globe. We are already having our business in so many countries. We are manufacturing ayurvedic (herbal) medicines as per ancient ayurvedic (herbal) science and as per our traditional indian culture. We want our ayurvedic (herbal) medicines to cure diseases across the globe from its roots itself. The traditional ayurvedic (herbal) medicines works on the principal of absolute no side effect and with no use of chemicals. Today ayurvedic (herbal) medicines and yoga, true indian tradition has cured many diseases and saved numbers of lives across the globe. There are so many products available in the market as ayurvedic (herbal) medicines but the quality and result of the same is always a question. Thus we have research team looking after our ayurvedic (herbal) medicines for years. We add our ayurvedic (herbal) medicinal contents from different forests of india and abroad to ensure quality ayurvedic (herbal) medicines. Here we are presenting our self made and approved quality ayurvedic (herbal) medicines to you and for mankind.
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Contact Information


  • Rimpal Babariya
  • kutiyana, Porbandar, Gujarat