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The Barkey plasmatherm is a device for thawing out and warming of all bagged conserves of fresh frozen plasma (FFP), blood and erythrocyte concentrates (EC), cryopreserved preparations, cryopreserved stem cells (HPC) or infusion solutions. The Barkey plasmatherm’s strengths â€Â¢ Safe and simple operation even with unpractised personnel â€Â¢ Provable and documentable thawing out and warming process â€Â¢ Universal application for plasma, blood, thawing-out of stem cells, continuous operation and user-specific settings (Possible without add-on modules) â€Â¢ Visible and noticeable hygiene due to smooth and enclosed surfaces in addition to rounded corners and edges â€Â¢ Highest product quality = safe investment â€Â¢ Leak checks = contamination and infection protection for personnel and patient â€Â¢ Direct selection for example of blood or plasma â€Â¢ Menu-controlled user guidance â€Â¢ Large display with plain text display â€Â¢ Fully plastic construction = corrosion –resistant ! â€Â¢ Cost saving and environmentally aware operation