Cast Basalt Lined Pipes And Fittings
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The Scope of supply and St TV ices comprises : Suppfy of complete, abrasion protecti vc I incd pl ant cereponeuts; supply of'tailor -madewear-protective lining for instalation on site; installation of wear protective protective the company's spcialist installation team or assignment. of a supervisor during installation earn cd out 00 site by customer staff. The Wear and Abrasion Resistant Lining Material Wear protective material available include: cast basalt, zirconia ceramic, alumina ceramic, silicon carbide ceramic hard commie and SC - Wearstop. What is Cast BasaltCast Basalt is a mineral of exceptionally high abrasion resistance, unlimted resistance to moisture, high compressive strength and resistance to virtually all acids and alkalis and is completely corrosion free.Cast basalt is produced by melting selected natural basalt broken into sizes of 20-50 mm in shaft furnaces at tempreatures around 1,300C, following by casting at which the metled basalt forms uniforms pherolithic crystals hence producing its typical physical propertics, in particular its exceptional hardness and wear-resitance.Cast basalt reaches a value of hardness of 8( min ) on the Moh's hardness scale. for comparision : the highest value10is only attained by dimonds. by virtue of these properties,the silicate cast basalt provides outstanding protection against abrasion and scrubbing.However, it is marked by asertain sensitivity ti impacts.Under Normal services conditions, cast basalt withstands tempratures up to approx.+ 350C or-40C. However Cast basalt sholud not be subjected ti temprature shocks.Sizes : Cast basalt produces are manufactured as tiles, from pieces and segments. straight pipes are spun-cast, available for nominal bores of 32 to 600 mm with the wall thickness ranging from 20 to 30mm and a standard lenght of 500mm.samller nominal bores of straight pipes, pipe segment for radill of 40 to 3,000mm of vatrious angles, as well as special formpiece linings are pre dominately sand-cast. The standard wall-thickness is 20mm. depending on the respective quantity, steel moulds can also be used, the wall thickness in those cases usually being 30 to 40mm.Ceramic Lined Equipment and Bends :Hard & Compact Smooth & Inner Withstands High-Abrasion & Corrosion In any of the process industries especially Sled and Cement corrosion and abrasion lead to ignificant downtime of the plant. Further, the useful life or the equipment itself may get impaired because of the high abrasive nature of the materials being used. Thus, 'wear mechanism' results in hutdown, replacement, etc., which is costly, resulting in loss to tilt: tunc of mi llions of rupees.Characteristics : High resistanc to all types of cbemicals High resistan to sliding abrasion Non weltnhility & smooth surface results ill easy How of materials. Can With standtand temperature up to 200 C. Smooih Surface and resistant to abrasion & corrosion.
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