Cube Testing Machine
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Cube testing machine is used to test the strength of concrete. This machine is quite useful on field laboratories or mobile testing laboratories or vans which frequently change site or location. It is particularly useful where constant and consistent electric power is not available. The load is applied manually and observed on a pressure gauge. The pressure gauge has maximum load indicator which stand still even after the specimen under test crushes and has to be set to zero manually
Hand Operated Ctm
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Compression Testing Machine Hand Operated for Compression test on Concreteor similar materials. Suitable for use on Concrete Cubes of any size up to 150 X. 150 high Concrete Cylinders. The load is applied thru hydraulic assembly. The lower platen is on the Hydraulic ram, an upper having a spherical seating is adjustable. The machine is provided with an air release valve and the load is automatically indicated on the 15 cms dial, hydraulic pressure calibrated against an N.C.B.M. tested Proving Ring and fitted with a legless max pointer in addition to the ‘live’ pointer.
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Cube Testing Machine
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Cube Testing Machine, Surveying Instruments, Slump Test Apparatus