Data Acquisition System
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We are a leading data acquisition system manufacturer, exporter and supplier located in india. The data acquisition system offered by us is designed and developed to monitor vehicle fuel characteristics in different atmospheric conditions. Our data acquisition system is a robust real time data control system that can be used in any atmospheric condition. We manufacture data acquisition system using the lab view, ni cfp. In this data acquisition system server application will run on compact file point target and client application will run on pc. displayssettings : cascade ratio, set point for reformer temperature, sp for alarm reformer, set point for alarm fuel cell battery : 12 stack cell voltages (current with 75 ohm resistance) reformer : 6 reformer temperature and flow control valves fuel cell : 12 stack temperaturesattributesreliable performanceflexible connectionssturdy constructioneasy to operatecompact size 1) setting 2) battery 3) reformer 4) fuel cell process description first all channels are acquired after every 1 second and displayed. The frequency of logging is settablewhen we press start control loop execution gets startedall the temperature and voltage (current with 75 ohm resistance) is acquired andstored on host pcas per speed setting pid control will control the flow of fluentcommunication link is continuously monitored. If it gets broken cfp will start executing application on its memory (real time target). At that time data is storedon cfp memory with fixed 1 minute intervalonce the link is established again, the cfp memory is flushed out and the data was dumped on the host pc conclusion more than conventional system, this system made it possible to obtain the in real time operation with facility to perform analysis on the acquired data. Only ni platform made it possible for us with in record time of 1 week.