Dm Water Plant
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We also supply DM water in bulk quantities for water needs in manufacturing and production process. We have vast experience in providing high quality DM water to industry. We have highly qualified & educated staff who understands high quality water needs. For Bulk quantity of DM water, we install a Two Bed DM Plant Three Bed DM Plant at the customer premises.
Demineralised Water Plant
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Demineralisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation. Fluid Systems Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built Demineralised Water plant [DM Plant] in India for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. The DM Plants [Demineralisation Plants] are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated or fully Automatic, & ready to install & are available as standard models or custom built versions for specific needs.
Best Deals from Demineralisation Plants
ion exchange system
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Marcuras is involved in offering an exhaustive range of ion exchangers that is best known for its high quality & high performance. Our range includes softening plants, demineralization plant, mixed bed etc. The entire ranges of plants are available in different moc like frp, ms, msrl etc. They are available fully automatic, remotely operated, manually operated or with multiport valves.
Cation Exchanger
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We bring forth optimum quality Cation Exchanger that is high on demand in various industries. The Electric Cation Exchanger made accessible by us is used to find the exact effect of dissolved impurities in a sample. In addition to this, we are reckoned as one of the foremost Cation Exchanger System Manufacturers and Exporters. Benefits Removes effects of treatment chemicalsHelps remove the masking effectsBeneficial for power industry Applications Power industryRemoval of masking effectsAnalysis of conductivity of ultrapure water
DM Plant
20,000 - 150,000 Per Unit
Packaging of products is as important as designing and manufacturing, and we have upgraded machines, assistance of our packaging experts to meet the standard as well as tailored packing needs of the clientele. We have a wide supply chain network that enables us to make delivery of consignments within the stipulated time. Features Advanced mechanism Purity & hygiene guaranteed High productivity
Demineralized Water System
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Demineralized Water also known as Deionized Water, Water that has had its mineral ions removed. Mineral ions such as cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper, etc and anions such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc are common ions present in Water. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which provides ion exchange site for the replacement of the mineral salts in Water with Water forming H+ and OH- ions. Because the majority of Water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity Water that is generally similar to distilled Water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup. De-mineralization technology is the proven process for treatment of Water. A DM Water System produces mineral free Water by operating on the principles of ion exchange, Degasification, and polishing. Demineralized Water System finds wide application in the field of steam, power, process, and cooling.
Demineralised Water Plant
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Demineralised Water treatment plant is based on Ion Exchange technology. It comprises of minimum two vessels filled with cation and anion exchange resin respectively. It removes 99% of ions present in water and hence reduces TDS EC by 99%. Available in range of diameters to meet different requirements of flow rate, output and quality. Mixed Bed Plant contains single vessel filled with cation as well as anion exchange resin. This system works as a polisher unit and provides ultra pure water of IP grade.
Ultra Filtration Plant
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Water Filtration Plant
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we are offering water filtration plant. descriptions: aroma agency is a company based on futuristic vision & values such as integrity, trust & respect which are the pillars of success. the company's management is committed to creating lifestyles, which meet or exceed expectations.we would like to introduce our company "aroma agency" to your esteemed organization. aroma agency is an export oriented manufacturer of water purification systems. we are determined to provide our buyers with best products at genuine prices we request you that if you have any requirements please revert back to us with the required details.
Drinking water filtration plants
45,000 Per Set(s)
01 Set(s) (MOQ)
We Design, Manufacture, Install and Commission Water Treatment Plants (WTP) for treating the drinking and utility water sourced from Reservoir, bore well, River, spring, Dams etc. We offer our services on turnkey basis right from project consultancy, Execution up to Implementation and fulfilling statutory requirements as per need. Treatment Technology offered – WTP plant treatment recipe mainly includes physical, Chemical and ionic process followed by filtration and conditioning treatment.which includes Flocculation /coagulation system Gravity/pressure filtration system Micro Cartridge filter. Carbon filter and polishing units. Membrane [RO/Ultrafiltration] Softener, Resin based filtration. Disinfection system Chlorine dosing, Ozonetor, UV. Material of Construction – Water Treatment Plant consists of process tanks, Pressure Vessels, Membrane with electro –mechanical system. We offer plants in civil Construction, Pre-fabricated or Containerized or Skid Mounted in MS/FRP/HDPE
Water Filtration Plant
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The Water Filtration Plant are designed to retain the particles contained in a liquid, either on the surface of the filter media or in-depth. Surface filtration requires a supporting media, whereas In-depth filtration is performed through a filter bed. Paramount importance in filtration Through a fine mesh medium, strainer, filter sleeve, etc. We have now developed a new small filter having maximum height of 3 ft. and required diameter to suit the plant capacity. In developing this new filter our emphasis has been to incorporate the high efficiency in filter bed operation by suitably modifying the design parameters and the filtration rate. This has resulted in reducing the size of the filter and reduction in quantity of filter media required, making the filter smaller in size and lighter in weight, and also reducing its cost of contraction. This filter requires less area for its installation/operation. Further the turn over period for the swimming pool water is considerably reduced. As a result daily operating period for the plant is also reduced. For larger capacity Swimming pool we are providing more than one filter operating in parallel flow. Rate of filtration is max. 40M/hr, which can increase according to Site condition. During back washing bed expansion is very less that is 2% only, hence height of Of pressure vessel is very less comparative other filter. Filter can remove the turbidity up To 20 ppm in normal condition and filtering capacity can increase as per raw water analysis. It is our proven design. All these factors add up to reduce the plant area, installation cost, plant operating cost and, less consummation of electric power etc. This filter we are manufacturing in M.S. construction and providing with multiport valve for filter plant operation such as water filtration, filter bed back washing, drain. We are fabricating the filter in Mild steel because its rugged construction and longer life as compared to polyethylene pressure filter.
Transformer Oil Filtration Plant
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Transformer Oil Filtration Plant
Oil Filtration Plant
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Oil Filtration Plant, coolant filters, Pocket Filter, Foam Filters
Water Filtration Plant
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Water Filtration Plant, wastewater treatment services
Ultra Filtration Plant
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Ultra Filtration Plant, Water Softening Plant, Water Treatment Plant
DM Plant
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DM Plant, Water Treatment Plant Service
Ion Exchange Equipments
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Ion Exchange Equipments, SHPL Side Stream Filter
Water Filtration Plant
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Water Filtration Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant
Demineralization Plant
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Demineralization Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant, Filtration Plant
turbine oil filtration plant
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turbine oil filtration plant, Centrifugal Air Pre Cleaners
ion exchange plant
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ion exchange plant, Air Compressor, Semi Automatic Vacuum Pump
Water Demineralisation Plant
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Water Demineralisation Plant, Effluent Treatment Plants
filtration plants
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filtration plants, Sewage Treatment Plant