de mineralization plant
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UNICARE TECHNOLOGIES DM Plants are designed based on latest cost effective ion exchange technique of counter current regeneration. The units consist of two corrosion free pressure vessels internally connected in series. The first column containing Cation absorbing exchanger and second column charged with an anion absorbing exchanger. The water flow Pass through the bed of a Cation exchanger then the bed of an anion exchanger and the systems remove dissolved salts from water to a specified degree.Regeneration require after using total exchange capacity. The Cation Resin is regenerated with an acid and anion resin is regenerated with alkali solution. RWT consists of acid/alkali proof pressure vessel with internal fittings and initial charge of Cation and Anion exchanger, set of regeneration equipment, hydraulic ejectors, acid and alkali tanks and conductivity meter to monitor treated water quality. These DM Plants offer a practical range of capacities and flow rates necessary to serve wide variety of applications Standard Portable Deionisers: Standard portable deionisers are Upflow two-bed type compact and simple to operate with conductivity meter to monitor quality of treated water continuously when in operation. Demineralisers: Demineralisers can be connected directly to the Raw water and can use for continuous supply or instant requirement of demineralised water.
ion exchange plant
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Ion Exchange resins are insoluble granular substances which have in their molecular structure acidic or basic radicals that can be exchanged. The positive or negative ions fixed on these radicals are replaced by ions of the same sign in solution in the liquid in contact with them. Now days, the ion exchange substances are used almost exclusively under the name of resins. There are two categories of resins: the resins of the gel type and those of the macroporous or loosely cross-linked type. Their basic structure is identical: the macromolecular structure is obtained in both cases by co-polymerization. The difference between them lies in their porosity.
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