Microcrystalline Cellulose Powder
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Microcrystalline cellulose powder This plant is developed for processing micro crystalline cellulose powder which is a term for wood pulp. This is a white odorless powder that is processed by using fibrous material that undergoes controlled hydrolysis with dilute mineral acid. Further, this is an edible and metabolically inert powder. Owing to these reasons, we always keep that in mind that the plant should be designed by following hygienic quality standards for effective quality product.
Microcrystalline Cellulose Powder
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Micro Crystalline Cellulose is a mechanically disintegrated level of D.P. Cellulose. It comprises purified, de-polymerised, Micro Crystalline sub micron size colloidal particles. It is produced by treating Alfa Cellulose obtained as a pulp from fibrous plants with minerals acid.It is a white, odourless, tasteless, extra free flowing powder which is relatively free from organic and non-organic contaminants. It is metabolically inert, and has excellent water absorptive, swelling & dispersion properties, is insoluble in water, dilute acid, common organic solvents and oils. It is partially soluble in dilute alkali.Rayon Grade wood pulp, the main raw material is hydrolyzed under very carefully controlled conditions. After Hydrolysis, specific inclusion of hydrophobic agents is done. This is followed by thorogh washing with de-mineralised water. The depathogenised slurry prepared is pumped for Spray Drying and finally blended and packed.
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