Milk Tester Dealers in Pune

(7 products available)
  • electronic milk tester

    electronic milk tester

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    • Accuracy: 0.5 % FAT -0.06%
    • Power Supply: AC 220-240 V+10%

    Electronic Milk tester is manufactured. It is a fast and economical measurement of FAT. Performs 120-150 Milk tests per hour. Measuring range up to 13 % FAT. More than 1,00,000 Emt. Quick & Instant read out. Easy to handle Runs on main or battery supply. If any other material is present in milk the machine will separate the things and give the percentage of pure milk fat only Fat machine can run on car battery also Fat machine run on 12-v battery Fully charged battery can worked unto 10 hrs.

  • electronic milk tester

    electronic milk tester

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    • Weight: 16 Kg
    • Measuring Range: Up to 13% fat
    • Capacity: 120 – 150 Sample per hour
    • Accuracy: 0-5%Fat +/- 0.06% or 5-8% Fat +/- 0.04% or 8-13%Fat +/- 0.20%
    • Sample Volume: 0.5 ml per test
    • Power Supply: AC 220 Volt +/- 10 % or DC 12 Volt 120 AH Battery
    • Ambient Temp: 5 – 45 Degree celicius
    • Dimension: 23 x 31 cms
    • Weight: 16 Kg

    age-old traditional gerber method of testing milk by chemicals has many inherent drawbacks, such as, human error multistep method, handling of corrosive chemicals and different type of glassware. All these add to the cost and time of milk testing. A quicker reliable and economical method of milk fat testing is an electronic milktester. electronic milk tester works on photometric principle. It is simple economical but accurate milk fat testing instrument and saves a lot of time.

  • Best Deals from Milk Tester

  • electronic milko tester

    electronic milko tester

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    • Measurement range: 0-14% Fat
    • Testing speed: 150-180 Samples / hour
    • Dimension (H x W x D) approximate: 23cm (H) X 31cm (W) X 53cm (D)

    electronic milko tester has some features ; Smooth automatic operation (reduces wear & tear, saving maintenance cost). Higher accuracy (since no variations due to manual operating). Higher repeat accuracy ---due to precise electronic control of operations. Enhanced reliability due to advanced circuitry. 12V8amp DC Battery Supply. Computer compatible RS 232 port. Many advanced features. Suitable for Laboratory & Field use.

  • Milko Tester

    Milko Tester

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    S-Milk is a standalone handheld portable metal-fabricated unit specifically developed for Milk Data Collection for small societies. Once fully charged, it can be used for more than 2 days, being very useful for mobile collection centre (having shoulder bag).S-Milk is a rugged compact handheld unit and has all the required interfaces (Weighing scale, FAT Machine, CLR, Printer), functions (milk collection, printing reports, rate tables & other) / memory capacity (400+ or 800+ members) to do total milk collection for societies. It requires 230V AC supply through adapter and has in-built battery to work in the absence of mains power.S-Milk will automatically log in the milk quantity (from weighing scale), milk quality (from Milko-tester/CLR indicator/Lactoscan/Ekomilk etc) and will store collection of every member for 2 shifts / 31 days in its memory.It also stores consolidated collection/deduction data for up to 12 months . Rates are automatically taken from Rate table based on FAT and SNF. Unit also supports for 2 deduction entries. Collection / deduction receipts as well as many other reports can be printed.

  • milk tester

    milk tester

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    milk tester, Dairy Processing Plant, Dairy Plant, milk processing plants

  • milk tester

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    milk tester, chromatography products, Laboratory Instruments

  • milk testers

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    milk testers, milk product chillers, Textiles, Chips, Automatic Milk

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