Orifice Plate
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An orifice plate is a thin plate with a hole in the middle. It is usually placed in a pipe in which fluid flows. When the fluid reaches the orifice plate, with the hole in the middle, the fluid is forced to converge to go through the small hole; the point of maximum convergence actually occurs shortly downstream of the physical orifice, at the so-called vena contracta point. As it does so, the velocity and the pressure changes. Beyond the vena contracta, the fluid expands and the velocity and pressure change once again. By measuring the difference in fluid pressure between the normal pipe section and at some specific point after orifice plate, the volumetric and mass flow rates can be obtained from Bernoulli's equation.
Orifice Plate
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Electronet series orifice plate is the most common differential pressure primary flow element. It is based on proven technology. It has no moving parts and is suitable for high temperature and pressure applications. Orifice plates are recommended for clean liquids, gases and low velocity steam flows. Flow measurement using orifice plates requires the accurate location of up stream and downstream pressure tapping. Various types of orifice carrier assemblies are available to suit a wide range of applications.
Best Deals from Orifice Plate
Orifice Plate
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Orifice Plates are most commonly used primary elements for flow measurement in pipelines based on the principle of measurement of 'Differential Pressure' created when an obstruction is placed in the fluid flow, due to increase in fluid velocity. Orifice Plates cover a wide range of applications of fluid and operating conditions. They give an acceptable level of uncertainties at lowest cost and long life without regular maintenance.
Orifice Plate
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An Orifice plate is a most popular flow element. Flamingo orifice plates are precisely manufactured from the finest materia ls with close tolerance to match ISO 5167, BS 1042 and API 2530 &AGA report 3. Mountings between flanges or carrier ring (s) are available.
Orifice Plate
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STAR-MECH provides economical flow measurement products based on differential pressure principle, suitable to wide range of line size, pressure & temperature applications with service like any liquid, gas or steam. We also provide products for special applications required in the process industries.
Orifice Plate
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Orifice Plate, Pipe Syphon, steam headers, steam piping
Orifice Plate
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Orifice Plate, Aerofoil, Wedge meter, Averaging Pitot Tube, aerofoils