We offer soil power. Product description: • this is an ideal silicon based solution. • 100% natural yields. power for the soil benefits: • it is effective on soil borne pathogen, all foliar fungi diseases, and all pathogenic fungi such as phytophthera, phytium, sclerotium, several nematodea and fusariumit gets dissolved in to the green leaves easily and is effective against insects. • as it enters the soil it killed all the causative organisms which are responsible for all the soil diseases.
We offer Safaya Plus. Safaya – Effective on all Sucking Pests Product Description: Safaya is unique organic research product which gave immediate, longer control on many sucking pest. Benefits: Effective on thrips, hoppers, leafminers, DBM and other caterpillar and borers.
Safaya – Effective on all Sucking Pests Product Description: Safaya is unique organic research product which gave immediate, longer control on many sucking pest. Benefits: Effective on thrips, hoppers, leafminers, DBM and other caterpillar and borers.
We offer Pomolt. Pomolt- Say No to Bacterial Blight by Spraying Pomolt. Product Description: Pomolt is unique product manufactured to control bacterial blight caused by xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Punicae which is also known as ‘‘Telya Rog’’ on Pomogranate. Benefits: Pomolt also can be used for control of leaf and fruit spot. Caused by Xanthomonas spp. Cercospora punicae, colletotrichum gloeosporiodes, alternaria altarnata, and also control of mildews.
We offer Pamosil. Product Description: • Ideal for all type of crops. • 100% natural yields. • Can be used for all types of fertilizers. AN IDEAL INSECTICIDE & FUNGUCIDE WHEN USED ALONG WITH THE FERTILIZER IMPROVES THE AGRICULTURAL YIELD. Benefits: • The crops become resistant to fungus. • They become resistant to different types of worms insects and thus improving the yield. • By using PAMOSIL the leaves get all round protection and thus making them strong thus preventing breeding of insects. • The plants are protected against such parasites and there is even distribution of nutrition. • Even in extreme weather conditions the roots hold the soil firmly. • It imparts greener looks to the leaves and thereby improving photosynthesis. • There is an overall improvement of storage capacity both for plants and fruits. • Plants, fruits and crops are able resist adverse weather conditions. • There is even distribution of nutrition for the plants and thereby improving the yield.
We offer Pamogen. Pamogen- Spray Pamogen and get rid from Cater pillers. Product Description: Pamogen is bio technologically research product which gives immediate and longer control on all types of cater pillars. Benefits: Pamogen : it kill all type of cater pillars. Spodoptera Heliothis, spotted bollworm, brinjal leafminer larva.
We offer Mites Zero. Mites zero- Effective on Red Mites and White Mites Product Description: It is the biotechnologically develop research product which gives immediate and longer control on many sucking pest like red mites, Arlofed mites, rust mites, yellow mites, Thrips, Leafminer. Benefits: It’s repellent property shields the crops and prevents pest influx after spray. Mites zero can be used on all crops
We offer Megasoil. SOIL CONDITIONER Product Description: • It can be used for all types of fertilizers. • 100% natural yields. • It improves soil and is biodegradable. WITH MEGASOIL double your agricultural yield Benefits: • This results in more rootlets and helping for better nourishment and preventing cracking of soil and loss of fertility. • The process of composting is improved around the roots and greatly improves the humic acid and folic acid. • It improves the yield. • It maintains ideal soil balance and composition thus leading to better absorption of nutrients. • It improves sprouting. • Improves soil health and prevents breeding of insects and pests. • It reduces the chemical impact of pesticides. • With the use MEGASOIL the soil is well aired and it improves water percolation.
We offer Cropgain. Product Description: • Ideal for all type of crops. • 100% natural yields. • Can be used for all types of fertilizers. • Ideal for use from sowing till harvesting stage in all types of climate and soil conditions. HEALTH & YIELD Benefits: • Increase leaf size and making them greener and improving photosynthesis. • Complete crop nutrition and it includes vitamins, cytokine, protein etc. • It promotes growth of flowers fruits and avoids loss at flowering stage. • It fertilizes soil by improving oxygen contained as a result it reduces cost of pesticides and by leading to lesser insects pests. • By using CROPGAIN it increases the size, quantity as well as overall shine and sweetness of fruits. • This results in more rootlets and helping for better nourishment. • There is uniform of fruits and overall quality. • Overall nutrition of soil is maintained leading to better grade of soil.
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We offer Biopam N. BIOPAM N- An Organic Input for better Yield Product Description • These involve the bacteria that live symbiotically with plants. • These bacteria fix the nitrogen from the atmosphere (78%) and make it available to the plants. • Some bacteria are also known to release some organic acids, growth hormones which help to improve the root zone of the crop. Benefits • These bacteria can be inoculated in the soil to improve the soil health, crop yield and reduce the load of chemical fertilizers.
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We offer BIOPAM K. BIOPAM K – Potash Dissolver Organic Input. Product Description • The soil contain sufficient amount of the potash in immobilized form which is not available to plants. • These bacteria improve the availability of this potash by mobilizing it to plant roots. Benefits: • These bacteria also help in uptake of potash fertilizers applied to the soil by mobilizing them and carry them to the plant roots. • These bacteria are inoculated in the soil to increase the uptake of potash from soil.
We offer Biopam Control. BIOPAM Control Soil Fertility Enhancer Product Description This contains the fungi Trichoderma which kill the unwanted fungi which grow in the root zone of the plants. Benefits It acts as a best soil conditioner. This prevent root rot disease, powdery mildew etc all kind of fungus born diseases in all types of plants. This fungi is neither harmful to plants nor to the human or cattle. USEFUL: In all plants.
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Product Description: • This is an ideal silicon based solution. • 100% natural yields. • It can be used with all kind of insecticides. • It imparts fresh and presentable looks. Increases size and weight and improves fruit quality as its name Benefits: # N-ATCA • It increases size and weight of fruit. • It improves fruit quality • It increases nutrient uptake. • It enhances better fruit setting.
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We offer Bhu Amrut. Product Description: • It is complete Fertilizer. • After using BHUAMRUT, you will get more nutrients then NPK fertilizer provides. But due to different types of soils, along with BHUAMRUT there is need to use 50% chemical fertilizer quantity. After seeing the result you can decrease chemical fertilizer quantity year by year to zero. • It also increases uptake of nutrient through roots from soil. • BHUAMRUT makes your soil more productive. • It increases yield of crop. After 7 year of continuous use, the production will be three times more. • It provides taste and keeping quality to vegetable and fruits. IT IS A REAL AMRUT FOR BHU (Soil) Benefits: • This Micro-nutrient helps in overall growth of plant. • Due to presence of all this Micro-nutrient there will be no any nutrient deficiency in plant. • It helps in cell formation. • It increases photosynthesis process. • Increases production of chlorophyll. • It increases seed germination. • It promotes activity and development of enzymes and vitamins. • It increases flowering in plant. • It increase yield of plant. • It helps in seed germination.
Product Description: • This is an ideal silicon based solution. • 100% natural yields. • It can be used with all kind of insecticides. • It imparts fresh and presentable looks. WORLD CLASS TECHNICAL SPREADER Benefits: • It gets dissolved in to the green leaves easily and is effective against insects. • ASTRA can be easily sprayed and the effect lingers on the green leafy surface. • It gets easily dissolved and spread evenly all over. • It acts against insects and fungus and goes to the root there by being effective and improving the yield. • ASTRA is effective and stays on the surface of the leaf immaterial of the size. • Fruits and vegetables retain their fresh green looks for a longer time during transit.
We offer Agrigain. Product Description: • Can be used for all types of crops. • 100% natural yields. • Can be used for all types of fertilizers. • It improves pollination. WITHOUT PROPER INFRASTRUCTURE THE NATION CAN’T PROGRESS, LIKEWISE THERE CAN BE NO IMPROVEMENT IN AGRICULTURAL WITHOUT AGRIGAIN Benefits: • It greatly improves nutrition and process of photosynthesis. • It improves nutrition level and yield of crops. • It greatly improves taste, quality and appearance of the fruits. • By using AGRIGAIN we get better storage of crops. • With the use of AGRIGAIN there is better pollination thus we get better yield in flowers and fruits. • It protects plants and crops against natural and artificial barriers which prevent their growth.
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