fruit enhancer
150 - 180 Per Litre
1000 Litre (MOQ)
We provide Fruit Enhancer to our clients which is a high quality Product produced under. It is a unique formulation enhances fruit size and gives fruits the required superiority in increased and improved flower and fruit bearing capacity of plants. It optimizes size, shape, colour, flavour, texture and shine of fruits. Most importantly it increases yield and post-harvest keeping quality of the fruits. Percentages of active constituents are subject to change due to organic nature of the product and / or vary depending upon the strong conditions and exposure to heat or sunlight.
Organic Plant Nutrition
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We provide organic plant nutrition. Rootox is unique organic formulation containing combination of plant origin proteins, growth stimulators based plant nutrition ingredients. It can be applied in landscapes and gardens. It also works best for agriculture and horticulture plants. It is classified as non hazardous material and have no toxicity values. dose: 1 ml per l
Best Deals from Plant Growth Promoters
Rasada Plant Growth Promoters
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Rasada improves phosphorus and potassium uptake due to enhanced translocation processes. It also stimulates synthesis of photosynthates and their transportation to fruits. Rasada balances sugar and acid in fruit. Rasada improves translocation of sugar.