Furniture Polishing Services
80 - 150 Per Square Feet
Wood polishing work has been in practice since time immemorial. The purpose of the polishing of wood is to create a protective layer on the exposed surface of the wooden furniture. This layer nourishes the wood with natural oil and moisture, as well as gives the furniture a finish that can be glossy, non-glossy, matte finish, etc. Famous Furniture & Interior Contractor offers customers the best furniture polishing services, Pune, India. Our professionals are highly experienced in restoring wooden furniture. Our furniture polishing experts are competent in repairing any damaged portion of the furniture due to weather conditions or due to termite and removing dirty waxy layer build-up on the surface and restoring your furniture’s sheen and lustre.
marble polishing
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Black Granite Abrasive Blocks, magnesite abrasives, Diamond Abrasives
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