Frozen Pomegranate Kernels
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7000 Kilogram (MOQ)
Fresh Pomegranates
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Bhagwa variety of Pomegranate is a highly productive variety with large fruit size of distinct deep Saffron colour. Its arils are of deep red colour and enjoy very high market demand. This variety is very suitable for Exports as well. Pomegranate is one of the important fruit crops commercially grown in Maharashtra. The area under this crop is 1.25 lac hectares & growing. It is less susceptible to fruit spots and thrips, the thick skin gives it a longer shelf life. Hence, the variety is the most popular table variety both in the domestic and export market. The size of the fruit ranges from 300 – 400 gms. fresh arils It is truly one of nature's most unique type of fruit. A good nutrient value fruit is very tasty and best anti-oxidant. These juicy treats are full of flavor and nutrition. Fresh Pomegranate Arils are ready to use in salads and recipes or can be enjoyed straight out of the pack. Available in convenient containers with different sizes. throughoutthe year Pomegranate is currently ranked 10th in terms of fruit consumed annually in the world. India is the only country in the world where pomegranate is available throughout the year i.e. from January to December. It is cultivated in 3 seasons (Ambe bahar, Mrig bahar and Hasth bahar) in Deccan plateau of India. India is endowed with wide agro climatic conditions that offer immense scope for cultivation of various kinds of fruit crops. This provides an excellent platform for the country to emerge as a leading producer of fruit crop. Indian pomegranates Ganesh This variety has pinkish yellow to reddish yellow rind colour, having light pink arils and soft seeds. Fruit weighs between 225-250 gms with medium T.S.S. Ruby The fruit skin is red in colour and weighs between 225-275 gms. The grains are soft, having high T.S.S. Arakta Fruits are dark red in colour with soft seeds and with high T.S.S. Bhagwa Fruits are dark red in colour with soft seeds and with high T.S.S.
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Fresh pomegranate
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Fresh Pomegranates
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pomegranate fruit
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Fresh Pomegranates
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