Prabha Consulting Engineering Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, Maharashtra

  • Mesh Mat

    Mesh Mat

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    Currently, supports three concrete codes: ACI-2005, BS 8110 and IS-456-2000. These foundations can be on soil or on piles. Load types can be predetermined or user-defined with a customizable automatic load combination generator. Wind and zip code based seismic loads can also be generated through a simple wizard-based input. can calculate footing plan dimension and thickness automatically. It designs for one way shear, punching shear, pile punching shear, and corner pile check. It calculates reinforcement along both axes (X and Z) and both faces (top and bottom). With its powerful 3D graphics, engineers can quickly identify and investigate displaced shapes, stress contour, soil pressure and reinforcement layout.

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  • Load Springs

    Load Springs

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    Elevated floors and mat foundations One-way and two-way slabs, pan joists, waffles, beams, girders Orthotropic or isotropic slab properties Drop caps, drop panels and random thickenings of any shape at any location Openings of any shape at any location Wall, column, point spring and line spring supports Accurate modeling of irregular structures Zero-tension area (soil) springs Imported CAD drawing as snapping background Automated Meshing Tendon Modeling

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Contact Information

Prabha Consulting Engineering

  • Mr. Ashok R. More
  • 615, Phulachiwadi, Shop No. 4, Amohd Dikar Bldg., Behind Sai Services Station, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, Maharashtra