OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy
OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy Occupational Health and Safety Management CertificationOHSAS 1800:2007 Occupational, Health and Safety Management Certification is an internationally standard which provides a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with health and safety within your company. Implementing the standard will send a clear signal to your stakeholders that you view employee’s health and safety as a principal priority within your company.What is OHSAS 45001:2018 ConsultancyOHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy is an internationally recognised occupational, health and safety management system series standard. The OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy standard is based on the similar ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Plan - DO - Check - Act structure. To achieve certification to OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy an organisation must have a health and safety management system compliant with the requirements of the OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy standard. The standard also requires a company to have appropriate health and safety policies, procedures and protocols to ensure it is a safety conscientious organisation.How to establish an OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy Occupation health and safety management system? Formulate an Occupational, Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) with the establishment of an occupational, health and safety (OHS) manual in which the scope of OHSMS is determined. Establish an occupational, health and safety policy and OHS objectives and programmes. Ensure document and record control. Implement and maintain a procedure to identify hazards, assess risk and determine controls in the work place Maintain procedures to ensure applicable occupational, health and safety legislation is identified, communicated within and compliance assessed. Define resources, roles, responsibilities, accountability and authority with regard to the OHSMS Implement an adequate occupational, health and safety communication, participation and consultation process Maintain good operational control Plan emergency preparedness and response Meet strict criteria in relation to incident investigation Identify and deal with OHS non conformities by applying corrective and preventative action Monitor and measure the occupational, health and safety performance of the organisation Audit the system and review the system at a management level periodically. Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Certification to OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy occupational health and safety management systems signals to your clients and stakeholders that your organisation is committed to protecting the needs of all your stakeholders. Benefits of OHSAS 45001:2018 Consultancy Certification – Health and Safety Certification Improved corporate image and credibility among stake holders, regulators, customers, prospective clients and the public Adoption of international best practice in relation to risk management Ensures health and well-being of employees, sub-contractors and the public Minimisation of liability of employers through adoption of proactive rather than reactive controls Ensures legislative awareness and compliance Reduces accident and incident rates by reducing and elimination workplace hazards Improves the incident investigation process Increases employee motivation through the provision of a safer workplace and participation process.
...moreISO 9001:2015 Consultancy
An ISO 9001 certificate proves that your quality management system has been certified against a best practice standard and found compliant. The internationally recognised ISO 9001 standard is generic. It is not a product standard, but applicable to any manufacturing or service industry. Created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), its objective is to set international requirements for quality management systems. Key features The standard applies to the processes in an organisation which have an impact on quality. It emphasises continual improvement and customer satisfaction. Lead auditor and internal auditor training programs Customized training programs as per clients requirements The major clauses in the standard are : Quality management system Management responsibility Resource management Product realisation Measurement, analysis, and improvement Samarth Technoologies is engaged in. Audit and Certification of Management Systems as per International Standards Samarth Technoologies has adopted the following principles as the basis of the certification and inspection activities Transparent in their certification, inspection and training activities Conduct them with impartiality, free from biases or pressures And Independent of other commercial interests Takes certification decisions based on objective audit data to add credibility to the certification activity in the market. Samarth Technoologies has a Committee to Safeguard Impartiality in its activities. This committee comprises of senior managers and professional from diverse walks of life. Our clients: More than 100
...moreISO 22000:2018 Consultancy & Training
Samarth Technoologies will help all food processing industries, dairies, bakeries, cool chain service providers, retailer, super stockiest, CF agents, to identify Physical, chemical, microbial hazards and to define critical control points in the process and implement them effectively. So that hazards will not occur again.Details : Food safety management system (FSMS) will help fisheries to identify hazards, control hazards and eliminate them to maximum extent. FSMS helps to minimize accidents, product recall, etc. FSMS improves the confidence of management as well as staff. Samarth Technoologies will help to establish an effective control on the raw fish storage process. Samarth Technoologies will help fisheries to clearly identify, effectively manage and validate the can sterilization by steaming process. Samarth Technoologies will help fisheries to minimize in process contamination by identifying and establishing effective control majors during retorting. ISO 22000:2018 Support Service Key Features : Food Product development Food Product Testing Food product life cycle study Food grade packing material analysis Food testing lab setup Hygiene training Internal audit training for ISO 22000 , HACCP Lead auditor training programme Customized training programs as per clients requirements Samarth Technoologies will help fisheries to identify the risk and implement mitigation against Certification body. Number of Clients : 05
...moreISO 17025 Accreditation consultancy
It is accreditation provided by NABCB (National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies)/ QCI (Quality Council Of India), new delhi. Since inception in 2015, we are instrumental in providing consultancy solutions to testing and calibration laboratories for implementing ISO 17025 framework requirements. ISO 17025 states a procedure in which an authoritative body gives a formal recognition of technical competence for specific test or measurements. With our ISO 17025 Accreditation consultancy services, we assist clients in completing legal procedure in a hassle free manner. We are based in Pune (Maharashtra, India); reach us anytime for further discussion. Key Features : Lead auditor and internal auditor training programs Customized training programs as per clients requirements
...moreISO 17020 Accreditation consultancy
ISO 17020:2012 conformity assessment – requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection. It is accreditation provided by NABCB (National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies)/ QCI (Quality Council Of India), new delhi. It is applicable to those industries who are doing various inspection activities. Ours is a celebrated name, actively involved in providing expert solutions related to ISO 17020 requirements. At ST, we are a pool of qualified and skilled professionals, having in-depth knowledge and providing solutions in accordance with the stated industry norms. We are operating from Pune (Maharashtra, India) and providing ISO 17020 Accreditation consultancy services since 2015. ISO 17020 entails a framework in which an authoritative body gives a formal recognition of technical competence for specific inspection. For any discussion and query, dial the given numbers. Key Features : Lead auditor and internal auditor training programs Customized training programs as per clients requirements Number of Clients : 01
...moreHACCP Consultancy
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is the systematic preventative approach to food safety. It addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. This approach has significant benefits to organizations operating within the food supply chain as it enables them to determine key controls over processes and concentrate resources on activities that are critical to ensuring safe food. Retailers, the food industry and Government in particular are concerned about ensuring that food is produced safely and that the consumer has confidence in the product. This has led to an increase in legislation over time that has focused upon ensuring safe systems of food production. In the UK the 1995 Food Safety Amendment Regulations, for the first time manufacturers and providers adopted HACCP to ensure food safety.The history and background of the HACCP System : The objective is to introduce the food handlers to the history and background of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and its importance as a food safety management system in identifying and controlling food safety hazards.The HACCP System for managing food safety concerns grew from two major developments. The first breakthrough was associated with W.E. Deming, whose theories of quality management are widely regarded as a major factor in turning around the quality of Japanese products in the 1950's. Dr. Deming and others developed total quality management (TQM) systems which emphasized a total systems approach to manufacturing that could improve quality while lowering costs.The second major breakthrough was the development of the HACCP concept itself. The HACCP concept was pioneered in the 1960's by the Pillsbury Company, the United States Army and the US National Aeronautics and NASA as a collaborative development for the production of safe foods for the US space programs. Pillsbury introduced and adopted HACCP as the system that could provide the greatest safety while reducing dependence on end product inspection and testing.Recognizing the importance of HACCP to food control, the 20th session of Codex Alimentarius Commission held in Geneva Switzerland adopted Guidelines for the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).Advantages of HACCP : The HACCP system as it applies to food safety management uses the approach of controlling critical points in food handling to prevent food safety problems. The system which is science based and systematic identifies specific hazards and measures for their control to ensure the safety of food. HACCP is based on prevention and reduces the reliance on end product inspection and testing.The HACCP system can be applied throughout the food chain from the primary producer to the consumer. Besides enhancing food safety, other benefits of applying HACCP include more effective use of resources, savings to the food industry and more timely response to food safety problems. HACCP enhances the responsibility and degree of control at the level of the food industry. A properly implemented HACCP system leads to greater involvement of food handlers in understanding and ensuring food safety, thus providing them with renewed motivation in their work. Implementing HACCP does not mean undoing quality assurance procedures or good manufacturing practices already established by a company, it does, however, require a revision of these procedures as part of the systematic approach and for their appropriate integration into the HACCP plan.The application of the HACCP System can aid inspection by food control regulatory authorities and promote international trade by increasing buyer's confidence.Any HACCP system should be capable of accommodating change, such as advances in equipment design, changes in processing procedures or technological developments.Application of HACCP : While the application of HACCP to all segments and sectors of the food chain is possible, it is assumed that all sectors should be operating according to good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene. The ability of an industry segment or sector to support or implement the HACCP system depends on the degree of its adherence to these practices.The successful application of HACCP requires the full commitment and involvement of management and the workforce. It requires a multi disciplinary approach which should include, as appropriate, expertise in agronomy, veterinary health, microbiology, public health, food technology, environmental health, chemistry, engineering, etc. according to the particular situation. The application of the HACCP system is compatible with the implementation of TQM systems such as the ISO 9000 series.
...moreGMP Consultancy
A good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are produced and controlled consistently according to quality standards. It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any food, pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product. The main risks are: unexpected contamination of products, causing damage to health or even death; incorrect labels on containers, which could mean that receive the wrong medicine; insufficient or too much active ingredient, resulting in ineffective treatment or adverse effects. GMP regulations address issues including recordkeeping, personnel qualifications, sanitation, cleanliness, equipment verification, process validation, and complaint handling. Most GMP requirements are very general and open-ended, allowing each manufacturer to decide individually how best to implement the necessary controls. This provides much flexibility, but also requires that the manufacturer interpret the requirements in a manner which makes sense for each individual business. Number of Clients : 01
...moreGlobal G.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) Consultancy
For food producers today, there is a constant challenge to grow safe, healthy products in a responsible way. New pressures from consumers, retailers and legislation have placed new demands on farmers and growers. They are increasingly required to use production techniques that reduce the impact of farming on the environment (land and sea), to reduce their use of chemicals, and to make efficient use of natural resources, while safeguarding the welfare of both workers, farm animals and sea life. Being able to show a commitment to good agricultural/fish farming practices with Global G.A.P. certification has become essential for accessing the market.What Is Global G.A.P. Certification? GLOBALG.A.P. is an internationally recognized set of farm standards dedicated to Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P.). Through certification, producers demonstrate their adherence to GLOBALG.A.P. standards. For consumers and retailers, the GLOBAL G.A.P. certificate is reassurance that food reaches accepted levels of safety and quality, and has been produced sustainably, respecting the health, safety and welfare of workers, the environment, and in consideration of animal welfare issues. Without such reassurance, farmers may be denied access to markets. Number of Client : 01
...moreGHP Consultancy
GHP is a system for ensuring that products are produced and controlled consistently according to quality standards. It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any food, pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product. The main risks are: unexpected contamination of products, causing damage to health or even death; incorrect labels on containers, which could mean that receive the wrong medicine; insufficient or too much active ingredient, resulting in ineffective treatment or adverse effects. GHP regulations address issues including recordkeeping, personnel qualifications, sanitation, cleanliness, equipment verification, process validation, and complaint handling. Most GMP requirements are very general and open-ended, allowing each manufacturer to decide individually how best to implement the necessary controls. This provides much flexibility, but also requires that the manufacturer interpret the requirements in a manner which makes sense for each individual business.
...moreFSSC Consultancy
The FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification provides a framework for effectively managing your organization's food safety responsibilities. FSSC 22000 is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards. It demonstrates your company has a robust Food Safety Management System in place that meets the requirements of your customers and consumers. What is the difference between ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000? ISO 22000 is not recognized by GFSI. (what is GFSI?) ISO 22000 is broad in scope. FSSC 22000 is recognized by GFSI. FSSC has a more limited scope. Current scopes included are: farming, perishable animal products, food processing, feed production, food ingredients and food packaging material manufacturing. Most companies will benefit by choosing FSSC 22000 and achieving a GFSI recognized certification. This is because many companies require that their suppliers be certified to a GFSI recognized standard. ISO 22000 is not recognized by GFSI. FSSC 22000 is similar to ISO 22000 in that the FSSC 22000 scheme uses ISO 22000 as the requirements for the management system. However, FSSC 22000 includes additional requirements. The Requirements for ISO 22000 include: ISO 22000:2005 Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain International Organization for Standardization and one of the following: ISO/TS 22001-1 Prerequisite programmes on food safety – Part 1: Food manufacturing ISO/TS 22000-3 applies to forming animals, fish, egg production, milk production and bee keeping. ISO/TS 22000-4 applies to food packaging material manufacturing PAS 222 applies to animal feed production ISO/TS 22001-4 Prerequisite programmes on food safety – Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing The Requirements for FSSC 22000 include: ISO 22000:2005 Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain International Organization for Standardization FSSC 22000 Part I (Free download) – Requirements for organizations that require certification and ONE of the following: ISO/TS 22001-1 Prerequisite programmes on food safety – Part 1: Food manufacturing ISO/TS 22001-4 Prerequisite programmes on food safety – Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing PAS 222 applies to animal feed production ISO/TS 22001-4 Prerequisite programmes on food safety – Part 4: Food packaging manufacturing
...moreFood Testing Laboratory Setup Consultancy
Ours is a Pune (Maharashtra, India) based organization that is involved in offering reliable food testing laboratory setup consultancy services. We have a team of experienced consultants that is efficient in providing apt consultancy for setting up a food testing lab. We provide you complete step-by-step guidance for setting up a food testing lab and also the certifications required to be obtained for it. We are highly relied upon for providing prompt and seamless consultancy service. Browse our website to know more about us.
...moreFood Processing Plant Turnkey Project Consultancy
Situated in Pune (Maharashtra, India), we are involved in rendering reliable food processing plant turnkey project consultancy services. As a trusted name in the industry, we make use of the advanced technologies and machines for conducting the food processing plant turnkey project. So far, we have successfully completed diverse turnkey projects and have gathered a huge list of clientele. In addition, we make available the complete plant with technical support.
...moreFood Industry Training Services
A food service worker is responsible for everything that goes into the preparation of a meal. A few of the main duties of a food service worker are cleaning the stove top for cooks, adhering to food safety regulations, helping cooks prepare meals, and creating simple dishes such as salad.
...moreBRC Consultancy
The BRC Food Safety Standard is a leading global brand recognised by thousands of customers worldwide, Whether you’re an established global supplier or based in an emerging market, the Standard will ensure your customers have confidence in your food safety program and supply chain management. What’s more, by improving food safety, the Standard will also help you reduce waste, complaints, recalls and rejected products. You can also use your certification as a marketing tool by displaying the BRC Standard logo on your publicity materials, stationery and website. And your business will appear on the BRC Directory too, giving you further recognition.It takes a common sense, risk-based approach, and provides you with a clear step-by-step path towards certification.We have an established, highly experienced BRC Technical Team that provides support and leadership and is available to answer any technical questions.What’s in the Food Safety Standard? The BRC Food Safety Standard can be used by any food processing operation where open food is handled, processed or packed. This could be from primary products such as fresh produce pack houses and slaughterhouses through to processed foods, canneries and ready to eat products. We’ve designed the BRC Food Safety Standard to help you establish good manufacturing practices so you’ll produce safe, legal products that meet the quality levels expected by your customers. The Standard is divided into seven sections : Senior Management Commitment and Continual Improvement The Food Safety Plan (HACCP) Food Safety and Quality Management System Site Standards Product Control Process Control Personnel.
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