Rice Polishing Machine
When rice is harvested it has a non-edible husk or hull surrounding the kernel. At the rice mill, all stalks and other foreign material are removed from the rough rice by a variety of specialized machinery, Smoothing and brightening a surface of rice grain by a roll or series of rolls.
...morerice parboiling plant
Parboiled rice has been through a special cooking process, called parboiling, prior to milling. While in the paddy form, the rice is soaked and then steam cooked. This process does not allow the kernel to swell during the cooking and the moisture level does not exceed 40%, versus cooked table rice, which is most often cooked to a moisture level of 64%. The starch granule is cooked (technically gelatinized), but not allowed to swell. The rice is then dried while still in the paddy form and then passed through a standard milling process to remove the hull and bran.
...morePoultry Feeder
Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese and other domestic birds. Before the twentieth century, poultry were mostly kept on general farms, and foraged for much of their feed, eating insects, grain spilled by cattle and horses, and plants around the farm. This was often supplemented by grain, household scraps, calcium supplements such as oyster shell, and garden waste.
...moredewaxing plant
Sunflower oil, with a relatively low FFA content is suitable for cold refining or centrifugal dewaxing. In this process, a small amount of acid is added to the crude oil and fed to a hydration tank. After a small retention, required caustic quantity is added into the mixer. This mixture is now fed to second centrifugal separator where waxes are removed along with soap. The dewaxed neutral is washed in the third centrifugal separator. The oil is then dried and sent to bleaching section.
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