Unique Pest Control Yerwada, Pune, Maharashtra

  • termiticide


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    Termites commonly known as white ants are social insects. They benefit mankind by their effective re-cycling of organic matter into the soil. Unfortunately sometimes, the organic matter they recycle is our houses and other man-made structures. Termites are known to cause more damage than storms, floods and fire put together. A termite colony consists of the termite queen, soldiers and workers. A mature colony may have over a million termites residing in a termitaria. It is the subterranean termites, which pose major risk to structures in India.

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Unique Pest Control

  • Santosh Bapu Ulhare
  • A/12,Muzammil Park, Tandalja Road, Vadodaraukti Kendra, Jadhav Nagar Yerawada, Yerwada, Pune, Maharashtra

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