Achras Sapota
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Fresh Chikoo
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Fresh Sapota
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Sapodilla can grow to more than 30 m (98 ft) tall with an average trunk diameter of 1.5 m (4.9 ft). The average height of cultivated specimens, however, is usually between 9 and 15 m (30 and 49 ft) with a trunk diameter not exceeding 50 cm (20 in). It is wind-resistant and the bark is rich in a white, gummy latex called chicle. The ornamental leaves are medium green and glossy. They are alternate, elliptic to ovate, 7 15 cm (2.8 5.9 in) long, with an entire margin. The white flowers are inconspicuous and bell-like, with a six-lobed corolla. An unripe fruit has a firm outer skin and when picked, releases white chicle from its stem. A fully ripened fruit has saggy skin and does not release chicle when picked. The fruit is a large berry, 4 8 cm (1.6 3.1 in) in diameter.Inside, its flesh ranges from a pale yellow to an earthy brown color with a grainy texture akin to that of a well-ripened pear. Each fruit contains one to six seeds.The seeds are hard, glossy, and black, resembling beans, with a hook at one end that can catch in the throat if swallowed. The trees can only survive in warm, typically tropical environments, dying easily if the temperature drops below freezing. From germination, the sapodilla tree will usually take anywhere from five to eight years to bear fruit. The sapodilla trees yield fruit twice a year, though flowering may continue year round.
Sapodilla or Chiku
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100 Kilogram (MOQ)
We offer Sapodilla or chiku. Avaliable in size of 810
Sapota Fruit
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Sapota Fruit, Neem, Bougainvillea Plant, Sri Ghandam White Sandal Wood
Achras Sapota
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Achras Sapota, Adenium Obesum, Bamboo Buddha Belly, Aglaonema