Dental Implants
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A basic completed implant costs Rs.20000- This includes all of the surgery, materials, time, reviews, x-rays and an initial follow up appointment. This cost does not include the removal of any teeth required for treatment, bone augmentation which is sometimes necessary, or a temporary tooth to fill a gap (not required for a tooth at the back of the mouth). We will of course inform you at your assessment of likely charges associated with your proposed treatment. ADDITIONAL SERVICES 1. Guided Bove Angmentation 5000- 2. Lateral Maxillary Sinus Graffing 10,000-(per sinus) 3. Temporary tooth (to fill gape) free 4. 3D Bove imaging-maxilla or mandible 1500-
Dental Implants
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Dental Implants, root canal treatment service, full mouth rehabilitation
Best Deals from Dental Implants
Dental Implants
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Dental Implants, full mouth rehabilitation, Dental Treatment Services