Deopiyu Industry GIDC, Rajkot, Gujarat

  • rgb dyes

    rgb dyes

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    We are offering best rgb dyes supplying company.

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  • HE Dyes

    HE Dyes

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    We are offering yellow he4g 2.0 yellow 105 40-5 4-5 4-55 54 3 b-b yellow he4r 2.0 yellow 84 70-40 5 54 54 4 c-c golden yellow her 2.0 yellow 84:1 80-20 4-5 4-54 53-4 3 c-c orange her 2.0 orange 84 30-5 3-4 44 53 3 d-d orange he2r 2.0 orange 94 120-80 4-5 4-54 54 3 d-d.

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  • HEXL Dyes

    HEXL Dyes

    Request for Price

    We are offering hexl dyes. Yellow hexl 2.0 yellow 138.1 150-100 4-5 54-5 54 4 c-c crimson hexl 2.0 . 150-100 4-5 4-54-5 54 4-5 d-d navy hexl 2.0 . 150-100 3-4 54-5 54 3 b-c

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Deopiyu Industry

  • Mrs. Aruna
  • C-1-b -131 Phase - 2 Gidc Vatva Ahmedabad - 382445, Rajkot, Gujarat