Belly Mounted Type Hand Rotary Duster
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Milap Duster is a Belly mounted type of Hand Rotary Duster. This Belly Mounted Type Hand Rotary Duster is used for dusting pesticides in powder from on field Crops. The capacity of the Hopper is 6000 c.c. The fan rotates in horizontal direction. When the Fan is in motion, the dust from Hopper falls on the Fan and it discharges out the dust through the outlet. The Belly Mounted Type Hand Rotary Duster we offer is efficient and easy to use. Construction : The Breast Plate is fitted on the skirt assembly to carry the Duster comfortably on the Operator's Belly.The crank Handle assembly is to be fitted in the aperture in the Skirt.Two Shoulder Straps with Buckles are provided to carry Duster. On Hopper assembly a long horizontal slot is provided. In this slot, the Feed Regulator Level moves to & from and controls the flow of the dust.A Gear Box is fitted at the bottom of the Skirt assembly. It is packed with sufficient Quantity of Grease for lubrication.The flow of the dust is regulated by Feed Regulator Lever.A Flexible Lance and Lance Extension with Nozzle are provided with Duster, and it is fitted over the Dust outlet. Consists of : HopperBlowerGear Box