Dry Heat Sterilizer
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We are offering dry heat sterilizer. we are offering a wide range of dry heat sterilizer and industrial heat sterilizer. salient features * total gmp model * class 100 filter provided at air inlet in chamber. * pre filter provided at air inlet & outlet. * in micro processor for process operation with 10 programme * 8 channel temperature scanning with processor * mimic display on control panel * cooling attachment for rapid cooling * document like dq, iq, oq, pq provided.
Dry Heat Sterilizer
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Dry heat sterilization and depyrogenation are used for complete destruction & removal of all micro-organisms by means of dry heat. These stainless steel dry heat sterilizers use air as a medium of sterilization. OPERATING TEMPERATURE It employs higher temperatures up to 300°C and requires exposure time up to 2 hours, depending upon the temperature employed. APPLICATIONS Glass Bottles, Vials, Ampoules, Containers Stainless steel and aluminium containers Powders like sulphonamides and talcum powder OPERATION Load is arranged to ensure uninterrupted air flow. DHS may be pre- heated for materials with poor heat conductivity. The temperature is allowed to reduce up to 55°C-60C prior to removal of sterilized material. DESIGN AND FUNCTIONAL FEATURES Chamber is manufactured in SS316L. Fully welded with round corners. The doors are of hinged type, equipped with double edge seal gasket for maximum safety For operation, control and data acquisition a PLC is provided. HMI facilitates interface between operator and equipment. Equipments are available with single door as well as double door pass through arrangement. Bio seal flange to seal the equipment into the building wall can be provided HEPA filters are installed in the fresh air, recirculation and exhaust module. In addition, 0.5 micron “Micro B” filter is installed as a pre-filter to the Fresh Air HEPA Three modules for air handling Fresh air (air intake) Recirculation Exhaust CONTROL SYSTEM Control Systems are available with Siemens, Allen-Bradley & Mitsubishi PLC. The control system design enables an easy & logical operation with graphical user interface, menu driven display & passwords at several levels. PC & Printer can be connected directly to the control system. ACCESSORIES A complete range of carriages, transfer trolleys to simplify handling. Plates, trays, wire baskets and other relevant accessories are supplied depending on the application.
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