Swimming Pool Filtration Plant
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We are engaged in manufacturing and exporting of swimming pool filtration plant that cater to the requirements of hotel, schools, etc for the filtration of the water of swimming pool. Swimming pool filtration plant offered by us is known for its superior functioning and longer working life in the global market. Advantages : maintain chlorine and ph levels kills bacteria and algae removes insoluble matter provides water clarity it filters / removes : bacteriaalgaefungi virusesalso destroys impurities that are not removed by filtration applications : communityhotel & motelcountry clubschool
trickling filter
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Trickling filter is an attached growth process i.e. process in which microorganisms responsible for treatment are attached to an inert packing material. Packing material used in attached growth processes include rock, gravel, slag, sand, redwood, and a wide range of plastic and other synthetic materials. SimpleĀ ,reliable, biological process. Suitable in areas where large tracts of land are not available for land intensive treatment system. May quality for equivalent secondary discharge standards. Effective in treating high concentration of organics depending on the type of medium used. Appropriate for small to medium sized communities. Rapidly reduce soluble BOD, in applied wastewater. Effective nitrification unit. Durable process elements. Low power requirement. Moderate level of skill and technical expertise needed to manage and operate the plant.
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