With the help of AV technology, KFC offers NPK which is 100% organic option of Chemical NPK (12:32:16). Chemical NPK provides phosphorous in available form after 23 days of application while KISAN NPK provides phosphoroushaving bond with amino acid, thus freely movable & easily digestible by crop & available to the crop within 24 hours of application. POTASH available in NPK is useless to crop as it having leaching fixation nature, at the same time KISAN NPK provides POTASH in gluconate form, thus it is available throughout crop cycle. Moreover KISAN NPK provides all sub elements and micro nutrients along with Nitrogen,Phosphorous & Potash, while chemical NPK only provides Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potash. KISAN NPK is 100% eco-friendly thus provides results without any side effects & costs effective in comparison to chemical NPK. Usage quantity & application method are as same as chemical NPK. Available in 50kg Bag pack in granule form & 500ml, 1000ml pack available in liquid form.
With the help of av technology, kfc offers potash which is 100% organic option of chemical mop. Chemical mop provides potashwith chlorine, which having burning effects thus it can damages leaves, while kisan potash provides potash in in gluconate form, thus it doesn’t having any side effects. Potash available in mop is useless to crop as it having leaching fixation nature; at the same timegluconate form potash doesn’t having leaching fixation nature thus it is available throughout crop cycle. Moreover kisan potash provides all sub elements and micro nutrients along with potash, while chemical mop only provides potash. Kisan potash is 100% eco-friendly thus provides results without any side effects & costs effective in comparison to chemical mop. Usage quantity & application method are as same as chemical mop. Available in 50kg bag pack in granule form & 500ml, 1000ml pack available in liquid form.
With the help of AV technology, KFC offers PHOS (Direct Available Phosphorous) which is 100% organic option of Chemical PHOS (20:20:00:13). Chemical PHOS provides phosphorous in available form after 23 days of application while KISAN PHOS provides phosphoroushaving bond with amino acid, thus freely movable & easily digestible by crop & available to the crop within 24 hours of application. Moreover KISAN PHOS provides all sub elements and micro nutrients along with Phosphorous & Nitrogen, while chemical PHOS only provides Phosphorous & Nitrogen along with sulphur. KISAN PHOS is 100% eco-friendly thus provides results without any side effects & costs effective in comparison to chemical PHOS. Usage quantity & application method are as same as chemical PHOS (20:20:00:13). Available in 50kg Bag pack in granule form & 500ml, 1000ml pack available in liquid form.
With the help of AV technology, KFC offers PHOSPO POTASHwhich is unique combination of Direct Available Phosphorous & POTASH. Thus is it most beneficial and widely acceptable by farmers at the time of giving second fertilizer application. Famers can use KISAN PHOSPO POTASH as soil application which provides all round growth to crop. Phosphorous provided in PHOSPO POTASH having bond with amino acid, thus freely movable & easily digestible by crop. While POTASH provided in Gluconate form, thus it doesn’t having burning effects as well as don’t having leaching fixation nature. Moreover KISAN PHOSPO POTASH provides all sub elements and micro nutrients along with Phosphorous &Potash. KISAN PHOSPO POTASH is 100% eco-friendly thus provides results without any side effects & costs effective in comparison to chemical fertilizers. Farmer can use 40kg acre at the time of sowing. Usage quantities at second time application will 25kg acre. Available in 50kg Bag pack in granule form & 500ml, 1000ml pack available in liquid form.
Kisan Wonder is unique combination of more than 25 types of Amino Acids, Available Nitrogen and all essential trace elements. Wonder improves soil & crop digestive system, crop respiration, immune & reproductive system. Stabilized pH between 7 & 8 which optimise metabolic reaction. With all these benefits, Wonder provides all round development of crop & keeps the plant healthy to fight against pest insect attack. At the same time Wonder improves quality & quantity of yield. For batter result apply 7kg Wonder Acre along with DAP NPK. One can apply 50ml spray application 30 days after sowing. Available in 10kg Bag Bucket in granule form & 500ml, 1000ml pack available in liquid form.
KisanAminozyme is unique combination of more than 25 types of Amino Acids & essential Enzymes which are play vital role in overall growth of crop & in time maturation of fruits, which enhances quality & quantity of yield. At the same time Aminozyme improves biological values of soil & balance soil pH, which improves bacterial activities in soil, results in optimisation of metabolic reaction. For batter result apply 10kg Aminozyme Acre between 30 to 45 days of sowing. Available in 10kg Bag Bucket in granule form.
Kisan Diamond is unique combination of Calcium Gloconate& Magnesium Gluconate, both together improves photosynthesis process within crop by this increase starch production. Increase chlorophyll production & avoid reddish leaves conversation. These both benefits increase crop quality & quantity. For batter result apply KISAN DIAMOND 50ml 15 litter spray pump along with 50ml WONDER & spray over the crop after 40 days of sowing. Available in 500ml, 1000ml pack in liquid form.
All seven micro nutrients play vital role in crop production. Then also lots of farmers having confusion in their mind regarding time & usage quantity of micro nutrients. KisanMicrovita is the perfect answer of the problem. Microvita provides all seven micronutrients along with amino acids, which are easily digestible by the crop. Means provides right time supplements with require quantity. For batter result apply KISAN MICROVITA 50ml 15 litter spray pump along with 50ml POTASH& spray over the crop after 50 days of sowing. Available in 500ml, 1000ml pack in liquid form.
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