Know Dr. Ajay Mehta Karanpara, Rajkot, Gujarat

  • foldable lenses

    foldable lenses

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    These are designed to provide good vision for distance and near. People usually do not need glasses for distance & near activities after cataract surgery. Compared to Monofocal IOLs these can reduce dependence on glasses for activities like reading, viewing text on computer screen or watching movie. However about 5% of patients complain of haloes after implantation of these IOLs.

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  • acrylic lens

    acrylic lens

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    They are commonly used in the cataract procedures and are easy for your eye to adapt too. Theses are designed to provide good vision at one distance usually for distance. Patients usually need reading glasses after surgery for close activities such as reading , craft or computer work

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Know Dr. Ajay Mehta

  • Know Dr. Ajay Mehta
  • Karanpara, - 360001 , ., Rajkot, Gujarat

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