Coal Fired Horizontal Thermic Fluid heater
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We expertise in manufacture and supply of TFCH Solid Fuel Fires Thermic Fluid Heaters that are known for high performance and durability. These heaters have an external furnace where fuel is burned. And the heater Assembly consists of a nest of concentric helical tube coils placed within a sturdy MS shell. Due to their excellent features and fuel efficiency these are highly demanded among our clients. Salient Features External firing arrangement eliminates the possible damage to the thermic fluid heater coil. After each path of flue gas, centrifugal fly ash setting chambers are provide by which fly ash is collected thus preventing soot deposition on heat transfer surface of the heater. Combustion chamber being external ensures longer life to heater coil thermic fluid. During power failure, no radiation energy is transferred to heater coil and hence ensures complete safety. For protection against power failure, specially designed flue by pass system is provided. Designed for efficient combustion of low grade fuel. Efficiency – 78± 2 % on GCV Capacity- 400,000 Kcal/hr to 40,00,000 Kcal/hr Temperature – Up to 300-350°C at atmospheric pressure & at high temperature. Fuel Coal, lignite, wood and all types of agro waste.
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The FBC fired THERMIC FLUID SYSTEM consist of a Radiative Heat Exchanger Coil / Convective Heat Exchanger Coil / HRU unit / Air pollution equp. With fluidised bed combustion furnace , controlled Fans , TFH Pump. Where the Thermic Fluid travelled through Pump in to the Convective H.E. and than Radiative H.E. to Final Process. As we consider the Flue gas path, Flue gas passes from furnace to Radiative H.E. to Convective H.E. than HRU unit to Air pollution eqp. to I.D. Fan and Chimney.
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Thermic Fluid Heater
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