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  • Hydraulic Shearing Machine

    Hydraulic Shearing Machine

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      'WELDOR" Hydraulic Guillotine shearing machine have been designed and developed through structuralanalysis technique for continuous production,accuracy and repeatability.   Rigid steel frame of "WELDOR" shears are optically designed to avoid weak sections at loadsupport and is of interlocked design.The table of frame is welded together with supportof steelplates.The table topsurface ismachinedwithprovisionoft-slotto facilitatefront gaugestopper.Ramassemblyisweldedwith steepl latesupport.   RakeangleselectorswitchIsprovidedIncontrolpaneltovarytherakeangleI.t permitstoshear hlgherthlcknessthanItscapacity.Thinsheet canbecutw/odistortion. Theupper beamisguidedbythreepointroller guides.A replaceable hardenedLinerisprovidedfor minimum wear.lt eliminateslubricationof guides.   Hydraulic system is mountedattopat rear sideofmachine.Hydrauliccomponentsareof internationallyreputedmake likeVickers,Dowty,Rexrothetc.Valves aremounted on a compact manifoldblockminimizingpipingandchancesofleakagesF. oroIIcoolingsufllclentslzeofollreservoirIsprovided. Bladeclearancecanbeadjustedmanuallybylever oneach sideof machinewithcalibrationof clearancesuitableforthickness.  

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  • Rear Cylinder Hydraulic Press Brake Machine

    Rear Cylinder Hydraulic Press Brake Machine

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     WELDOR Hydraulic Press Brakes are designed and developed through years of experience in Sheet MetalWorking Machineries.Weldor Hydraulic Press Brakesare developed by keepinglatest technology in mind.Both cylinders aremounted at backside of press Brake andare synchronisedfor parallelism between ram and table,by providing mechanical links connected with cylinder.The heavy duty steelconstruction frame is to so designed to absorb heavy shocks of overload.All welding edges are properly machinedfor weldjoints.The electric controlpanelis fixed on side wallat convenient place for easy reachofoperator.lt includespushbutton pendant andfoot switch.Standard'V'Block&'V'Punchand manually operatedback gaugesystemwhich isfront operatedaresuppliedas standardaccessories.Hydraulic components areofreputedmakelike Vickers,Rexroth,Dowty,Yuken,Polyhydronetc.

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  • Gear Hobbing Machine

    Gear Hobbing Machine

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  • Floor Boring Machine

    Floor Boring Machine

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  • CNC Turret Punch Press

    CNC Turret Punch Press

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  • Cnc Press Brake

    Cnc Press Brake

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    E series models are designed to be flexible & reliable offering more standard features than other brands in their price class extra value is achieved by addition of crowning system back gauge heavy steel framed and weight of machine , imported controller , touch screen colour display with high step and bend memory , tool library   E series CNC press brake models are based on y1 y2 cylinders synchronised parallelism of ram and through electronic controller. steel frame is rigidly welded mono block and constructions is designed to absorb under load steel framed is machined on 8 meters length floor boring machine having DRO , machining is done is a such a way with reference to both cylinders plate and table in 90degree at cylinders slide table and facing , drilling work is one set up , for long cylinder life and machine accuracy   Cylinders are made from high quality steel precisely machined on CNC, VMC & honned. Ram travel through rolling bearing with eccentric setting to minimized slid play out to achieve smooth travel and to beam tilt. fully electronic synchronization with servo valve   Technology of Horebiger assures continues at correction of y1 y2 parallelism through CNC controllers. y1 y2 measurement feed back and stroke depth measurement through imported electronic linear scales up to 5 micron resolution   ADS - Anti Deflection System   CNC X axis back gauge travel on ball screw and hard crome rod.CNC x axis Back gauge driven by A.C. Servo motor (Imported make)with encoder with close loop controller  

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  • CNC Laser Cutting Machine

    CNC Laser Cutting Machine

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    Weldor CNC machines MX-F 3015 open type Fiber Laser Cutting Machine adopts gantry-motion structure, linear guide, Screw drive, AC servo motor and drives, and vacuum system (both sides), etc.   The one-time processing area is 3m x 1.5m. Not only that the equipment’s design is advanced and reliable, but also that all key components are from both national and international well known brands.   In particular, we use Germany / Siemens / Japanese fanuc company’s professional laser CNC system for the electrical control system. This special laser CNC system has advantages of high integration, better control precision and more stable operation.   Therefore, in addition to meet the requirement of cutting carbon steel plate, it can also meet the requirement of cutting SS plate, aluminum alloy, copper alloy and other materials.   Mechanical motion systems of the laser cutting machine generally includes machine tool bed, beam and other basic components for the installation of laser cutting head. The Mechanical automatic processing is achieved through control system. The high quality Machine tool bed reduces laser equipment’s vibration during the process of high speed operation.   Equipped with waste collection drawers for slag Discharging and dual ventilation dust pipe, the working table bears metal plates less than 500 k.g. The control system consists PLC and control cabinet, etc.   After years of experience in CNC sheet metal Machines special laser CNC control system has gradually developed to the simplest and most refined control system with following functions:    FUNCTIONS   Users-friendly operating interface; USB port and broadband interfaces; AC servo motor and drive; Fast-response surface following; Easy operated cutting retract function; Straight line/circular arc interpolation fitting and kerf compensation functions; Programming software Farley CNCKAD with automatic nesting functions; CAD/CAM Software package with powerful nesting function and edge-shared cutting function; Ventilation dust removal devices protect working environment from cutting emissions and metallic vapor; Slag discharging devices facilitate slag discharging.   Laser Source has following advantages   Maintenance free for no lens inside laser generator; Beam delivery system consists of fibers Compact size and easy for integration; No start-up time; Excellent cutting ability; Good beam quality and high power density.  

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  • Three axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake

    Three axis CNC Hydraulic Press Brake

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    E Series Models are designed to be flexible and reliable offering more standard features than other brands in their price class,extra value is achieved by addition of CNC Crowning System withthreebeam Design,Extra backgaugedepth,extra heavysteelframeandweightofmachineanglecorrection date base,touchscreencolourDisplay with highstepandbendmemory,Toollibrary.   E SeriesCNC Pressbrake models arebasedonY1-Y2CylindersSynchronised for parallelism of,ram and throughelectronic controller.Steelframe is rigidlywelded monoblock andconstrutionis designed to absorb under load.Steelframeis machinedon8metre lenght floor floor boring havingdro.Machiningis done in sucha wayinreferenceto both cylnder plateand tablein90 degree at cylinder,slide tableandfacing.drilling work in onesetup,whice bensured long time cylinder lifeandd machine accuracy. Cylinders are madeorf highqualityforgedsteelprecisely machinedinerne.VMC,and honned.Ram travelthrough rollimg bearingwitheccentric settingtominimize slide playout to achieve smooth traveland tobeam tilt.Fully Electronicsymnchronsation withclose loopservo valve.Technology ofbosehrexrothandhoreibigor (bothGermany) Assures continuous at correctio of Y1-Y2 Parallism though CNC Control.Y1-Y2 measurement feedback and stroke depth measurement though improted electronic linear scles up to 5 micron resoution.Onesidebendingis possiblewithoutanydamagetoroller bearingguidingsystem.CNC 5ervohydraulic criwningsystemwiththreelower beam design having twoor moreHydrulic Cylinders.CNCxaxis backgaugetravelon two ballscrewand Linear motion gudeway inaluminiumextrusionsectionframe.CNC X AxisBackgauge Driven byA.C. Servomotor (Importedmake) withencoder withloseloopcontrol.  

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Weldor is a 35 year old company into manufacture and development of machines for Sheet Metal Forming Industry. It is one of the most respected names in India for design and customized development of sheet metal machines, along with general purpose sheet metal machinery.
In the last 35 years we have come to realize that the profits of any manufacturing unit depend on the robustness and the performance capability of their machines. We also understand that metal the raw material is very costly and hence precious to our clients. So we develop machines that deliver the performance that is demanded of it.
We ensure that every machine that comes out of our factory is thoroughly tested and checked for its ability to perform. Along with the raw material that we employ, we also have trained and experienced manpower to give the best and only the best.
The Used Machinery Unit
This is a unit of Weldor Engineering pvt. Ltd. That focuses on procuring preowned and used machines such as USED CNC TURRET PUNCH PRESS, USED PRESS BRAKE, USED LASER PUNCH COMBUNATION etc. and refurbish them. The idea of the company is to rejuvenate the production capability of these machines and make them available to the prospective buyers. These machines are beleived to work for further very many years.
The refurbished pieces undergo stringent tests and total Quality assurance before they are delivered to the client. We firmly believe in supplying high quality machines that make business sense.
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Contact Information


  • Survey No.240, Behind Giriraj Weigh Bridge VERAVAL (SHAPAR) DIST: RAJKOT - 360002 INDIA, Gujarat