Plywood Flush Doors
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An ISO 9001:2015 Certified & AB-CAB (Accredited) Company Key points of Flush-Door Flush Doors are dimensionally stable, durable, totally resistant to termites and borers and are 100% boiling water proof. Hardwood core veneers of full width, dimensions and thickness.Completely made from perfectly seasoned and chemically treated prime quality Hardwood timber. Manufactured under strict quality control thereby meeting high level of perfection in specified tests like glue adhesion, knife, flexure, edge loading, impact resistance, screw withdrawal holding. Hot pressed with extra thick 'A' Quality face veneers. Our well-maintained and capacious warehouse helps us in managing systematically arrangement of goods and meeting massive requirements of the clients at a time. We have hired experienced quality auditors who stringently check the raw materials against varied quality parameters before procurement. Thus, we ensure quality products at buyer's end. We present attractive Plywood Flush Doors with innovative designs. Our Plywood Flush Doors add to the decor of any commercial place or residential place. These Plywood Flush Doors come in different dimensions as per the requirements and specifications provided by clients. Usage Flush doors are used for bed room, drawing room, bath room etc. Value for money High resistance to borer and termite Weather resistant High Density strong doors Size Thickness- 30mm, 32mm and 35mm Technical Specifications Prescribed Test Values for Conformity Observed Value End Emmersion Test No delamination No delamination Glue Adhesion test No delamination No delamination Knife test Minimum pass standard Pass Impact Indentation No cracking, tearing or delamination. Depth of indentation 0.13mm <0.2mm Slamming No visible damage after 50 drops No damage Buckling (deflection in mm) After 5 mts of 40 Kg loading 15 mts after load removal No deterioration Initial deflection not greater than 50mm. Residual deformation after 15 minutes of unloading not greater than 5mm. No deterioration 34mm 2.91mm 3.16 Edge loading (deflection in mm) After 15 mts of 100 Kg loading 3 mts after load removal Lateral buckling Deflection at max load not greater than 5mm. Residual deflection after removal of load not greater than 0.5mm Not more than 2mm. during loading No residual buckling after load removal 4.2mm 0.48mm No lateral buckling No residual buckling Screw withdrawal strength No damage Not less than 10004 Surface condition: No visible damage by determination or extra chhiping off 1800N No visible damage