Rabejai DSR Capsules
750 Per Box
100 Box (MOQ)
CompositionIt contains Rabeprazole 20 mg + Domperidon 30 mg SR Capsule.It is used in Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (G E R D), Heart Burn, Chronic Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Post operative Nausea & Vomiting etc. Relieves both day and night time heart burn. Produces fast onset of action compared to other PPI's."Faster, Better, & Lighter... For Hyper Acidity"
Nutri Fabs Capsules
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What is Nutrlfahs Sachat I capsules? Nutrifabs sachetfcapsules is an Ayurvedic more powerful Nutrition Supplements. Nutrifabs contains. -Omega-3, Fatty acid, Green Tea Extract, Ginkgo Bilnba, Ginseng, Grapes Seed Extract, Anti Oxidant, ‘mamm5' Mmerals Trace Elements 'Anyone else think there seems to be a newhealth lad dailyC’ There are new miracle vitamins and foods coming out daily that promise to boost energy, make us took 10 years younger. and live forever they cen'blame us for trying].Dont get me wrong. I make a strong effort topick and choose what I pur. on and in my bodyand always game for trying something new{green juice magic elixir or chia-coconut-concoction anyone?) but sometimes it's rice lolook at the oldies but goodies.One nutrition powerhouse thafs underrated are the benelits of Illutrifabs. And. since itsan ingredient we carefully chose to include in Bon Affaifs ingredient list, I thought l`d shed some iight on the benelits. Usage Recommendation -1 sachel or 1 capsule in the morning belore breaklast — Mix with a glass of coldrroom temperature plain water. Benefits of Nutrifabs Sechet I Capsules : Nutrifabs Can Fight Depression and Anxiety Nutriiabs Can Improve Eye Health Nutriiabs Can Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life Nutrifabs Can Improve Risk Factors For Heart Disease Nutrifabs Can Reduce Symptoms of ADHD in Children Nutrifabs Can Reduce Symptoms ol Metabolic Syndrome Nutriiabs Can Fight lnlla mmation Nutrilabs Can Fight Autoimmune Diseases Nutrifabs Can Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimers Disease Nutrifabs May Help Prevent Cancer Nutriiabs Can Reduce Asthma in Children Nutriiabs Can Reduce Ft ih The Liver Nutrifabs May Improve Bone and Joint Health Nutrifabs Can Alleviate Menstrual Pain Nutrifabs Fatty Acids May Improve Sleep Nutrifabs Fats Are Good For Your Skin Nutrifabs increases Concentration Nutrifabs Helps Fight Anxiety and Depression Nutriiabs Fights Symptoms or PMS Nutrilabs Helps Treat Headaches and Migraines Nutrifabs Helps Heal Hemormoids Nutrifabs Fights Fibromyalgia
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