Shri Ganga Pharmacy Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

  • Sarpal Tablets

    Sarpal Tablets

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    we are the Well-known Manufacturer of sarpal Tablets that are An Effective Anti-anxiety Medicine. Our Sarpal Tablets are Very Effective in Relieving the Mental Stress and Anxiety, and Inducing Relaxation. recommended for : cardiac Problemshypertensionreduces Anxietyangina Pectorispost Myocardial Infectionnervousness and Anxietyas a Daily Health Supplement                dosage : as a Daily Health Supplement 1 Tab Twice a Day with Wateras a Curative : - 2 Tab Twice a Day with Water packing : 100 Tab

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  • Sandalwood Oil

    Sandalwood Oil

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    get that relaxed and soothing feeling with this Sandalwood Oil. We are a prominent manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of sandalwood oil based in india. The sandalwood oil available with us has woody, spicy, lingering aroma that helps settle emotions and stills the mind. Also, the sandalwood oil is effective for skin problems, urinary problems and sore throats. We manufacture this sandalwood oil using innovative extracting techniques thus, ensuring purity. actions sandalwood oil : anti-depressantsanti-phlogisticantisepticaphrodisiacastringentbactericidalcarminativecicatrisantdiureticexpectorantfungicidalinsecticidalsedativetonic sandalwood oil is useful for : acnedry chapped and cracked skineczema itchingcatarrhcoughbronchitislaryngitissore throatdiarrheanauseacystitisdiureticimpotence beneficial for : depressioninsomniabereavementneuralgianervous tensionanxiety sandalwood oil blends well with : bergamotbenz oilcedar woodeucalyptus black pepperfrankincensegeraniumjasmine lavender lemonmyrrhpatchoulineroliorangerosevetivertylang ylang

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  • Rakton Tablets

    Rakton Tablets

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    We are offering Rakton Tablets.Our Rakton tablets offer instant and safe treatment for Iron deficiency, anemia, infection, other hemolytic disorders and low blood pressure. With completely herbal composition, these Rakton Tablets are safe and natural for use.

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  • Patuli Oil

    Patuli Oil

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    avail from us this hygienically processed Patuli Oil, which is an effective solution for banishing lethargy and sharpening the wits. The grounding and balancing effect of our patuli oil have a very soothing and balancing effect on the body and the mind. Our patuli oil is also helpful with sensitive and dry chapped skin. This patuli oil has a strong exotic, sweet earthy aroma. Furthermore, the clients can avail this patuli oil, at very reasonable rates in the markets. actions of patuli oil : anti-depressantanti-inflammatory antisepticaphrodisiacastringentbactericidecarminativecicatrisantcytophylaticdeodorantdiureticfebrifugefungicidenervinestimulanttonic patuli oil is useful for : acneathletes footcracked and chapped skindandruffdermatitiseczemafungal infectionimpetigosores open poreswounds beneficial for : frigiditynervous exhaustionstress related conditions patuli oil blends well with : bergamotblack pepperclary sagefrankincensegeraniumgingerlavenderlemongrassmyrrhnerolipineroserosewoodsandalwoodvetivert

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  • Ortho Oil

    Ortho Oil

    310 - 3,320 Per Bottle

    get rid of the pain, swelling, and stiffness with our highly effective Ortho Oil. The ortho oil available with us is contains mahanarayan oil main ingredient of with satavari and til oil both of which are very effective in all arthritic pain. Further, regular application of this ortho oil strengthens the muscles and bones and thus reduces further possibility of recurrence. Widely used for rheumatic diseases, our ortho oil can also be used for other therapeutic uses as well. composition : bishgarb oil satavarimalkagni oil  gandpurawa oildalchini oil   tarpin oildevdar oil  mahanarayan oilazbayan oilpiperment oilnilgiri oildashmolashwagandha indications : arthritisstiffnesslow back painmuscular painknee painstrainssprainslumbagosciaticamyalgia packing available : 200 ml

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  • Mahabhringraj Oil

    Mahabhringraj Oil

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    Mahabhringraj Oil is prepared scientifically from pure invaluable herbs in refined Till oil as per the recognised Ayurvedic Text. It is highly effective and excellent remedy for falling hair, premature greying, sleeplessness & head ache. Regular use prevents falling hair, Dandruff & keeps brain cool. Mahabhringaraj Oil should be messaged with the fingertips at the root of the hair and scalp and kept for sometime before bathing or as directed by the physician.

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  • Jasmine Oil

    Jasmine Oil

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    available with us is this Jasmine Oil that is widely known for its harmonizing, soothing and uplifting properties. The jasmine oil offered by us has an intensely rich, warm floral aroma that uplifts emotions at times of stress, promotes feelings of peace, restores confidence. Besides, our jasmine oil is an ideal solution for dry and sensitive skin. Jasmine oil is mostly used in cosmetics and other beauty products. We offer, this highly effective jasmine oil, in different packaging choices, that too at very affordable rates. actions of jasmine oil : analgesicanti-depressantanti-inflammatoryantisepticantis-pasmodicaphrodisiaccarminativecicatrisantexpectorantparturientsedativetonic (uterine) jasmine oil is useful for : dry, greasy, irritated, and sensitive skinsprainsstrainscatarrhcoughcold hoarsenesslaryngitisdysmenorrhoeafrigiditylabor painsuterine disorders beneficial for : depressionnervous exhaustionapathylistlessnessindifferencestress related conditions jasmine oil blends well with : rosesandalwoodclary sageall citrus oils

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  • Hingwastak Churna

    Hingwastak Churna

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    Hingwastak is composed of Hing, also known as Asafoetidam combined with seven other Ayurvedic herbs to help maintain proper function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is primarily used for imbalances of Apana Vayu, the downward moving energy of the body. Apana is responsible for eliminative functions such as defecation, Micturition, flatulence, menstruation, ejaculation and giving birth. Excellent for Vata, Hingvastak can be taken for gas, indigestion, constipation and other common problems associated with poor metabolism. Also useful for kapha imbalances as a decongestant, this mixture may be aggravating to pitta due to its internally heating attribute. Stimulates healthy and unobstructed peristalsis.

    Size : 3 to 5 gms

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  • Geranium Oil

    Geranium Oil

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    we have excelled in the business of manufacturing, exporting and supplying the best grade Geranium Oil. Our geranium oil has a pleasing flowery aroma. Geranium oil is balancing oil for skin, body and mind. Further, this geranium oil normalizes dry and oily skin and is an effective remedy pmt and menopause. The clients can obtain from us, this quality-tested geranium oil in different packaging options, that too at very moderate prices in the markets. actions of geranium oil : antidepressantanti-inflammatoryantisepticastringentcicatrisantdeodorantdiureticfungicidalhaemostaticstimulanttonicvermifuge vulnerary geranium oil is useful for : acnebruisesbroken capillariesburnscongested skindermatitiseczemahaemorrhoidsulcerswoundscellulitisengorgement of breasts beneficial for : nervous tensionneuralgiastress related conditionsanxietydepression geranium oil blends well with : basilbergamotcedar woodcitronellaclay sagefrankincensegrapefruitjasminelavenderlimeneroliorangepatchoulipetit grainroserosemarysandalwood

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  • Cinnamon Oil

    Cinnamon Oil

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    Originating in Sri Lanka, the Cinnamon Oil offered by our company is stimulating and antiseptic in nature. It has a warm, spicy clove like aroma, which stimulates the slow digestive and nervous system. Extracted from the inner part of the plant and steam distilled with extreme care, our Cinnamon Oil is highly effective in easing muscle spasm and painful joints. Nature Of Oil : Warm spicy tenacious aroma Actions : AntisepticAntispasmodicAstringentAphrodisiacCarminativeDigestiveEmmenagogueHaemostaticStimulant StomachicVermifuge, etc. Uses : LiceScabiesTooth and gum careWasp stingsPoor CirculationRheumatismDiarrhoeaDyspep Note : Avoid during pregnancyCan cause skin irritationAvoid in high doses

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  • Cardamom Oil

    Cardamom Oil

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    The Cardamom Oil manufactured by our company is known for its uplifting, energizing and warming effect. Because of its sweet, fruity, strong and spicy aroma and the uplifting effect, it is widely used in aromatherapy. It is renowned as an aphrodisiac, and has a stimulating effect on the digestive system, banishes fatigue, aids concentration and restores feelings of contentment. Originated in India, the Cardamom Oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant by steam distillation. Actions : AntisepticAntispasmodicAphrodisiacCarminativeCephalicDigestiveDiureticStimulantStomachicTonic Uses : ColicCrampDyspepsiaFlatulenceGriping painsHalitosisHeartburnIndigestionVomiting Emotional NervousFatigueAids concentration Caution : Phototoxic - do not use on skin exposed to direct sunlight

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  • Basil Oil

    Basil Oil

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    the company has firmly positioned itself as one of the most promising Basil Oil manufacturing, exporting and supplying units based in india. Our basil oil has a fresh herbaceous, aniseed like reviving aroma. We manufacture basil oil using steam distilling method. This basil oil has strong and fortifying aroma. Thus, our basil oil is good for clearing the head, helps give the mind clarity and aids concentration. Made available in varied packing choices, our basil oil is very affordable. actions of basil oil : anti-depressantantisepticantispasmodiccarminativecephalicemmenagogueexpectorantfebrifugegalactagoguenervinerestorativestimulantstomachictonic basil oil is useful for : insect bitespoor circulationgoutmuscular aches and painsrheumatismbronchitiscoughsearachesinusitisdyspepsiaflatulencenauseacrampsscanty periodscolds beneficial for : anxietydepressionfatigueinsomnianervous tension

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  • Ayurvedic Tablets

    Ayurvedic Tablets

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  • Amla Tablets

    Amla Tablets

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    With high content of Vitamin-C, Amla Tablets are very effective in maintaining the level of Vitamin-C in the body. They also have the content of minerals and amino acid. These Amla Tablets help in the normal functioning of body and brain and also strengthen the immune system. Why Our Amla Tablets? Strong rejuvenativeHelp balance stomach acidsImprove food absorptionAn anti-oxidant and help prevent premature agingPromote the health of lungs and respiratory functionsSupport brain functionsDetoxify and cleanseMaintain reproductive healthStrengthen immune systemAct as a coolantVitamin content makes them very useful for scurvyExcellent for maintaining skin healthHelp in maintaining health of the eyes.Prevent premature graying and falling of hair Dosage : 1 or 2 tab twice daily with meals.  Packing : 200 tab

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  • Ashwagandha Tablets

    Ashwagandha Tablets

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    Our completely herbal Ashwagandha Tablets have anti-stress adaptogenic action that leads to better physical fitness and helps cope with life’s daily stresses. Ashwagandha for the tablet is extracted from Withania somnifera, an erect shrub. The principle constituents of its roots are the alkaloids somnine, somniferine, tropine, withanine, pseudotropine and anaferine. These alkaloids make the Ashwagandha Tablets effective in asthma and as a uterine sedative. Action : Used in asthmaA uterine sedativeHave antispasmodic effects against several spasmogens in intestinal, uterine, bronchial, tracheal and blood vascular muscles.It provides physiological endurance and works as a tonic and vitalizerUsed in prevention and treatment of many stress related diseases like arteriosclerosis, premature aging, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and general debility etc. Dosage : 1 tablet in the morning with water or milk1 tablet in the evening with water or milk Expiry Dates : 3 years from the date of manufacturing Storage : Store in a cool and dry place Packing : 120 tab

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  • Brahmi Vati Tablets

    Brahmi Vati Tablets

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    Brahmi Vati Tablets improve mental alertness, concentration, attention, memory and the stress threshold of the individual. Our Brahmi Vati Tablets carry the seven wonders of brahmi. They are a safe and effective medicine to improve learning ability, concentration, and increased attention span. Thus through improving concentration, these tablets direct the mental energy in purposeful activities.                                                                        Usage : Promote longevityImproves memoryStimulate brain cell vitalityBuild neural and mental staminaIncrease mental abilitiesReduce stress and anxietyGotukola is excellent food for yogis and meditators Dosage : 2 tablets in the morning with water2 tablets in the evening with water   Expiry Date : 3 years from the date of manufacturing.  Storage : Store in a cool and dry place  Packing : 200 Tab

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  • Diabtone Tablets

    Diabtone Tablets

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    We are offering Diabtone Tablets. Diabtone : It is a very effective medicine for Diabetes. Its use improves the liver’s process of assimilation and discharge of sugar. One begins to feel hungry and ailments are reduced to a great degree, along with it some seminal diseases and bodily disorders.

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  • Energy Forte Tablets

    Energy Forte Tablets

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    Our Energy Forte Tablets are the safe and effective supplement for providing energy to the body. They improve appetite and digestion, and revive physical activities. These actions lead to normal functioning of the body, and thus gain of energy. Action : Provide comprehensive health care.Promote cellular regeneration, arrests degenerative changes, and accelerates healing of wounds and fractures.Improve physical fitness and mental alertness.Improve appetite, digestion and assimilation.Improve muscular tone.Revive physical capacity.Improve mental activity and activate the nervous system.Improve hormonal utilization, rejuvenates failing sexual function.Richest natural source of protein, iron, vitamin and minerals.Strengthen the nervous system. Improve immunity.Complete nutrient and health improver.Help in respiratory disorders.Help in liver disorders. Overall body improver. Dosage : Two tablets in the morning with milk or waterTwo tablets in the evening with milk or water Expiry Date : 3 years from the date of manufacturing Storage : Store in a cool and dry place Side-Effects : It is a complete herbal medicine and no chemicals are used in its preparation and this remedy has no side effects Packing : 100 tab Composition Ayurvedic Names Latin Names Each tablet contains mg  Ashwagandha Withania somnifra 30 Satavari Asparagus racemosus 30 Yasthimadhur Glycyrrhiza glabra 40 Karir Asparagus racemosus 40 Nirgundi Centella asiatica 40 Haritki Terminalia chebula 30 Makrdhwaj Makardhwaj 40 Safed musali Asparagusadscendens 30 Nagkesar Mucuna drurines 40 Pipalli Pipallongum 40 Illa Elettaria cardamomum 30 Arjun Terminalia arjuna 20 Kasni Cichorium inbytus 20 Vasaka Adhatoda vasica 20

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  • Mahayograj Gugul Tablets

    Mahayograj Gugul Tablets

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    Our Mahayograj Gugul Tablets serve the people by facilitating comfortable movement of joints and muscles, rejuvenating and strengthening of the skeletal and neuromuscular systems and elimination of natural toxins. They are a powerful detoxifying and rejuvenating agent and their main ingredients, chitrak, triphala and vidanga are combined with guggulu to remove deep-seated vata from the tissues. Suggested Use : 1-2 tablets, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner Dose :  2 tab twice a day or as directed by physician Each 300 mg tablet contains : Guggulu resin (Commiphora mukul)Musta (Cyperus rotundus)Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)Amalaki fruit (Emblica officinalis)Bibhitaki fruit (Terminalia belerica)Haritaki fruit (Terminalia chebula)Pippali fruit and root (Piper longum)Ajowan (Carum copticum)Vidanga herb (Embelia ribes)Gokshura root (Tribulus terrestris)Black Cumin seed (Nigella sativa)Ajamoda (Trachysspermum ammi)Cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum)Deodara herb (Cedrus deodara)Chavya (Piper cubeba)Cardamom seed (Elettaria cardamomum)Rasna herb (Pluchea lanceolata)rock saltCoriander Seed (Coriandrum sativam)Ginger root (Zingiber officinale)Black Pepper fruit (Piper nigrum)Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanica)Ushira (Vetiveria zizanoides)Yavakshar (Hordeum Vulgare)Talispatra leaf (Abbies webbiana)Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala

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  • Leucorex Tablets

    Leucorex Tablets

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    Our Leucorex Tablets are highly effective in the control of leucorrhoea, checks functional uterine bleeding and improves the uterine circulation. These Leucorex Tablets act directly on the uterine musculature and tone up the entire system. They exert a stimulating effect on the ovaries and endometrium. They are made of 100% herbal extracts and are safe even during pregnancy.   Action : Stimulates and tones uterine musculature Reduces pelvic inflammation and congestion Regulates menstruation cycle Relives cramps and low back pain Dosage : Two tablet twice a day with water. Packing :  100 Tab

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  • Livone Plus Tablets

    Livone Plus Tablets

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    We are offering Livone Plus Tablets.Our Livone Plus Tablets is an effective daily health supplement. As a unique mixture of remarkable herbs, it improves appetite, the digestion and assimilation process and promotes weight gain. It works as an excellent adjuvant with hepatotoxic drugs and is a valuable adjuvant during convalescence and prolonged illness.

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  • Neem Tablets

    Neem Tablets

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    We are a renowned Neem Tablets Manufacturer. Our Neem Tablets are high in demand for the treatment of skin diseases and as a rejuvenator. It also strengthens the body immunity because of its anti-diabetic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is also used as an as an analgesic, antipyretic, sedative, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antiviral and anthelmintic. It is bitter and alterative. It is used, as a poultice in boils, is antiseptic, demulcent, a tonic in catarrhal affections, stomachic, stimulant. Used As : Blood purifierSkin rejuvenatorImmunity booster Dosage : Two tablets in the morning after breakfast with waterTwo tablets in the evening after dinner with water Expiry : 3 years from the date of manufacturing.  Storage : Store in a cool and dry place. Packing : 200 Tab

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  • Raktashodhak Tablets

    Raktashodhak Tablets

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    We are engaged in the manufacture of Raktashodhak Tablets, which acts as an effective blood purifier. It helps in the treatment of skin infection by multiplying blood cells. Our relief against burning sensation are completely herbal and do not have any side effects. Effective In : Blood purificationTreatment of pimple, acne and other skin infectionsBacterial, Fungal and viral infectionRelief against burning sensation Dosage : 2 tablets twice a day with water.

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  • Artho Tablets

    Artho Tablets

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    We introduce the highly effective Swelling Tablets in the name of Artho Tablets. These Artho Tablets help in the cure of swelling and inflammation. Because of their anti-inflammatory effect, these Artho Tablets offers effective cure from swelling and thus increases the mobility of the joints.

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Shri Ganga Pharmacy

  • Mr. Pawan Paliwal
  • Parmarth Niketan, Swarg Ashram, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand