Ayurvedic Treatments in Rohtak

(1 service providers available)
  • Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment

    Diabetes Ayurvedic Treatment

    190 Per Pack

    Our prime concern is to fulfill variegated requirements of the clients, all the time. And, to achieve this objective, we have installed a capacious warehouse. Being a Supplier of Jamun Neem Karela Ras, we strive to deliver high quality and cost effective products in the market.   Each 10 ml. contains : Neem Azadirachta Indica 100 mg. Kareia Nlomordica Charantia 1 gm. Jamun Eugenia Jambolana 1 gm. Gudmar Gymnema Sylvestre 200 mg. Chirayta Swertia Chirata 200 mg. Dosage : Adult - 20-30 ml. with 1-2 cup of water twice a day. or as directed by the Physician. Indication : Nladhumeh Nasak and Pramehenasak.

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