Structural Engineering Lab Equipment
The two hinged arch is a statically indeterminate structure of the first degree. The horizontal thrust is the redundant reaction and is obtained y the use of strain energy methods.
...morehydraulic laboratory equipment
The Hydraulic ram is pump which utilizes the energy of large quantity of low head water to lift small quantity of this water to a greater head It requires no external energy The apparatus demonstrates ram working and on can calculate Rankine’s Efficiency and D' Aubuisson Efficiency associated with ram pump.
...moreHeat Transfer Lab Equipment
The most commonly used law of Thermal Radiation is the Stefan-Boltzmann low which states that the thermal radiation heat flu emitted from a block surface (one which absorbs all the incident radiation falling on it) is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the surface and is given by the following equation. (qA) Heat flux in WMsq. = σT = eb4 Where, T is the surface temp. which emits thermal radiation in K And Stefan – Boltzmann constant, σ=5.67 x 10-8 WM sq.—K4 eb = Emissivity power of black surface. The Stefan – Boltzmann low can be derived by integrating planks law,
...morefluid mechanics lab equipments
An orifice is an opening in the wall of a tank, while a mouthpiece is a short pipe fitted in the same opening. A mouthpiece will be running flu if its length does not exceed two to three times the diameter. Both orifice and mouthpiece are used for discharge measurement. The jet approaching the orifice continues to converge beyond the orifice till the streamlines become parallel. This section of the jet is then a section of minimum area and is known as vena contracta
...morecivil engineering test equipment
Bernoulli Theorem Apparatus
The experimental set up consists of a horizontal perspex duct of smooth variable cross-section of convergent and divergent type. The section is 40mm x 400mm at the entrance and exit and 40mm x 20mm at the middle. The total length of duct is 90cm. The piezometric pressure p at the locations of pressure tappings is measured by means of 11 piezometer tubes installed at an equal distance of 7.5 cm. Along the length of conduit. The duct is connected with supply tanks at its entrance and exit end with means of varying the flow rate. A collecting tanks 40x40x30cm. Height is used to find the actual discharge
...moresurvey Instruments
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