Fluid Mechanics Lab
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Venturimeter is a device used to measure the flow in a pipe. This apparatus is used to determine the coefficient of discharge. The system is closed circuit. The apparatus consists of: A Centrifugal pump of 25mm x 25mm with 1/2 HP Motor (ISI – Kirlosker Make) M.S. Sump Tank 80 Ltr. to collect the water. M.S. Measuring Tank 30Ltr fitted with piezometer tube to measure the discharge. Damper is used to collect the water in M.S. MEASURING TANK for certain time. G.I. pipe of internal dia 25mm and Gunmetal ISI mark Control Valve and regulating valves are used to circulate water. Bye-pass line is also used to regulate the discharge. This apparatus consists of metallic/venturimeter. The openings from inlet and throat are connected to U tube mercury manometer to measure the head difference. The tanks are well FRC fiber coated insidedto prevent rust hence increase the life of tank.
Fluid Mechanics Lab
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We are second to none in designing and developing a wide variety of Fluid Mechanics Lab equipment. We provide equipment for Fluid Mechanics Lab, which are manufactured in compliance with set industrial norms. Our team comprises of well-qualified and experienced engineers, who provide efficient and prompt after-sales-service to our buyers. Products : Flow Measurement by Venturimeters Apparatus Flow Measurement by Orifice Meter Apparatus Flow Measurement by Nozzle Meter Apparatus Flow Measurement by Rotameter Apparatus Flow Measurement by Bend Apparatus Flow Measurement by Pressure Gauge Apparatus Minor Losses in Pipes and Pipe Fitting Apparatus Pipe Friction Apparatus Stokes Law Apparatus Pitot Tube Apparatus Hydraulic Test Bench Determination of Cd, Cc & Cv Orifice & Mouthpiece Apparatus Triangular and Rectangular Notch Apparatus Flow Through Packed Bed Metacentric Height Apparatus Darcy’s Law Apparatus Free Vortex Apparatus Forced Vortex Apparatus Stroke’s Law Apparatus for Determining Viscosity Electrical Analogy Apparatus Heleshaw Apparatus Impact of Jet Apparatus Hydraulic Test Bench Experiments : Bernoulli’s Theorem V-Notch Pipe Friction Reynolds Venturimeter, Orifices Meter Losses In Pipe Fitting Impact of Jet Fluid Mechanics Models : Hook Gauges (a) 15 Cm (b) 30 cm (c) 50 cm Venturimeters (a) 25 mm (b) 38 mm(c) 50 mm Orifice Meter (a) 25 mm (b) 38 mm(c) 50 mm Differential Manometer 50 Cm Scale Demonstration Manometer 50 Cm Scale Pilot Tube Manometers 50 cm U Tube Double Column Manometer 50 Cm Inclined Tube Manometer 50 Cm Scale Piezometer Tube 50 Cm Scale
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